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mia 497

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Everything posted by mia 497

  1. level one should have been level two and two should have been one,it only gets easier
  2. alliant steel,or alliat 381 ,for lead heavy loads blue dot,i have been using a roll turnover as i can get three and a half inch loads into a three inch shell thus doing away with any jams,as me xtrema was jamming with the gamebore mammoth 3.5s,as for hulls you can get them ready primed from clay and game,buy yourself the mec reloading manual from ebay.com it will keep you right on maximum powders,if in doubt ask clay and game,,,
  3. mia 497


    now and again,mainly inland,,,
  4. give steve a phone at clay and game reloading,he is very helpfull,,what kind of cartriges were you using previously,,,
  5. mia 497


    aye its time to get the wifes happy,four weeks now haha
  6. bought a browning gold ten bore for the coming season,any good load advice for the beast,
  7. mia 497


    where has the year gone,wildfowling permits soon to be issued,six weeks tomorrow will be september the first
  8. massive sheet of paper with a target dot on and see where you hit,i bet its a mile high
  10. if your serious my bitch was lined 3 weeks ago with field trial stud dog,,should be nice neat pups,crackking lines,,
  11. beretta xtrema or benneli vinci,whats your preference
  12. any help and advice on loading ten bore loads appreciated
  13. long shots are are as good as short shots providing you are not taking a guess,my longest kill with a witness is 350 yds with a 25-06,i was zero,d at inch,n half high at a hundred yds but was going stalking the next morning and a hard frost was forecast in late december last year,the night before i put my zero to three and a half inches high at a hundred yards coz i just knew that with frost in a rape field we were not gona get close to the does,and due to us not shooting does after december we had numbers to get,true to form they knew we were there,nice kill ,pulped the boiler room,good old h
  14. typical the first is a sunday,no fowling that day in scotland
  15. been reloading a while now and did the right thing and bought the mec book from the states,,,not a good idea,some of those loads will spin you in a circle,if not they will bust your barrel,i use clay and game as the guy that owns it used to own gamebore,he knows what he is talking about,,,
  16. time consuming but i would be doing scrambled duck eggs for breakfast wheetabix for dinner then pup food at t time,,give it a try worked for me
  17. as above again,treats and loads of chest rubbing praise,golf ball works then keep it in your pocket,he will always look for that,,he is young enough,so youve plenty time,,,,
  18. Just 14 weeks until september
  19. mia 497

    10 Bore

    is it a wildfowler with the beretta action in it,any pics woud be tidy
  20. very nice website,maybe you can give some advice,last year i started of shooting gamebore mammoths 3" and did well,then decided to go to the 3 1/2 inch,different story until i found the leed,got it,then tried to convert to shootng homeload steel,"disaster"was all over the place,now gona go back to lead,i have had someone speak to the old owner of gambore and now have the ingrediants for the mamoth 3 1/2 inch,my plan is to get these into a three inch shell with a roll turnover as the 3 1/2 were hellish for jamming on ejection out of the port,any tips or help welcome
  21. dont buy,,,,wont go past a meopta 3-12x50 artemis 2000,same in binoculars
  22. mia 497

    10 Bore

    Lincoln ten bore wildfowler still required,any one got one for sale,,,,might have to settle for a browning gold 10,,,
  23. hi there i know one just outside dunfermline ,i can have a word with him and make sure it is ok to forward you his number,real good guy
  24. always pes for me,got the 25-06 fitted with one,alloy can so wont rust
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