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Posts posted by anita&paul

  1. does anyone know about the nfr?

    i was trying to get my partner registered with them but hes very stuck in his ways and it not sure wether its a worthy idea or not, i like the idea of the insurance side etc, but hes been ferreting for so long now he says y do i need it now?

    so was wondering if anyone else has registered or knows about it in more detail and if it is worth doing?

  2. :rolleyes: Del; Bend and brace mate. Because first and formost, ye deserve a f*cking good rocket for ye irresponsible and unsportsman / professional like behaviour in setting wires one morning and then blythley f*cking off till the next one! Ye should've checked them at last light on the day ye set them. Then come back in the morning.


    If ye'd foul caught a live one, or - god forbid - caught a non target, it's your responsibility to be on hand at the earliest and deal. How do ye think some fence sitter, out for a stroll, would have reacted to finding the carnage ye left there?


    Anyway, putting the big finger away: Yeppers. Mainly crows. Ye can see for yeself how they've been worked over in situ. That one that's just a red ruin has been pecked all over. As OTC says, they'll most often target the eyes for first choice. But if the thing's on its side, they often can't reach both so will just peck out the accessable one.


    Again, the gutted one with it's leg up. That too is typical corvid behaviour. Make a smallish hole and eviserate through that. They have that long, probing beak so need to rip it wide open, see?


    Back of the skull? Mustalids will often bite out the side of the skull and lick the brains out, I've found. Looks like that one's had it's throat pecked out and the toungue's probably gone. Crows again, I'd say. Ye left them such a feast they got full and choosey.


    As for what broke the Hoop wire? Could've been a rabbit. No tracks to give ye a clue?



    There ye go. Bit of Field Craft for ye. Check what ye set in a timely manner in future and ye should be seeing a lot less of such shit and carnage. So will anyone else passing by.

    you took the words right out of my mouth 100% agree with you mate. :clapper:

  3. have you got any pics???

    think it would be a problem to post and the cost of etc.


    have you got any pics???

    think it would be a problem to post and the cost of etc.

    sorry dont think it viable to post that far,

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