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Everything posted by kruby01

  1. Funnily enough I downloaded that and the 100% army fit app a few weeks ago. I have been using the army one but I tried the other today and it seems pretty good
  2. According to the recruitment though there won't be much time between selection and phase 1 provided I pass so Id rather be over prepared
  3. No to be fair the recruitment office was useless. They answered questions that I needed to know but apart from that they just said everything is online
  4. Hill sprints sound like a good plan however fartlek unfortunately we dont have lampposts here! I'll just have to guess a rough distance but I will give both a go. Cheers guys
  5. Literally every offence! Even a caution! I was cautioned for cannabis 7 years ago. Didn't get a ticket or anything just a caution. I got a letter with my licence saying it had been granted but only just as I didn't inform them of the caution and it is unacceptable behaviour for a licence holder (we all do silly things as kids but just list anything)
  6. Cheers for the advice guys. I was going to start running with a burgan the few weeks between selection and phase 1 to prepare myself but I dont want to before hand as its not what I need to be concentrating on really, I just want to make 100% sure I will pass selection
  7. That's all I'm planning mate. I dont want to fl y through and piss everyone off but I dont want to come in dead on the time limit either. I'm aiming to stay with the front group of lads and if I finish being able to have done more then its just going to help towards phase 1 training Are you doing your training at catterick... or just your selection? I will be training in catterick too as I'm going in infantry then if I get in the regiment I want I'll probably be based in Woolwich or cyprus
  8. That's all I'm planning mate. I dont want to fly through and piss everyone off but I dont want to come in dead on the time limit either. I'm aiming to stay with the front group of lads and if I finish being able to have done more then its just going to help towards phase 1 training
  9. It must have changed mate as the fitness standards online say the bleep test is for officers and my mate who passes selection 4 years ago did the run. My selection is in catterick I think mate. I haven't got a set date yet
  10. The actual time limit is 12:45 so at aiming for 10 I'm giving myself plenty of leeway. The Para's is only 9:40 12:45??? mate you could walk it in that time. The local shop is exactly 1.5 miles and I walk that in about 20 mins that's just a morning stroll for a pint of milk part on part off road so I'm not that worried about running within the time limit I just want to be as quick as I can
  11. Only officers do the bleep test. Soldiers do a 1.5 mile run
  12. Yer that's as I expected mate, cheers The actual time limit is 12:45 so at aiming for 10 I'm giving myself plenty of leeway. The Para's is only 9:40
  13. I'm 23 so fairly young. Today was my rest day and I can feel my calves still recovering but good enough for a run tomorrow so hopefully ive set enough for recovery. I will soon know if ive not. Cheers for the advice
  14. Cheers mate. I will be at catterick so thanks for the heads up. Luckily I live next to a big nature reserve type thing so there is miles of different terrains up and down hill, on and off road so ive been running on grass too as I was told catterick will be on tarmac so if I'm doing 1.5 on uphill grass I should hopefully stand myself in good stead
  15. I know there is a few military guys on here so thought I'd ask the question: I have applied for the army and should have my selection in about 2 months. Sit ups, press ups etc I can smash the times needed for selection but I have to do a 1.5 mile run in 10 mins. I can barely run 0.5 without dying at the moment. I am running two days then rest one. I'm running as far as I can at a steady pace and then when I need to stop I carry on with a brisk walk for a few minutes before running again. I do this for 5+ miles so I'm not hugely unfit its just I can't run 1.5 in one steady go. Just
  16. Only the dead have seen the end of war my friend. I completely agree, we will never have world peace but I think in the absence of religion we would be a big step closer
  17. Rip to him. I still go by the opinion though if we banned religion there would be riots for a good few years and then it would die out and be a big step closer to world peace. Never going to happen though. Too many people living their lives around fairy tales
  18. In my eyes the only difference between shooting a rabbit and a ferel cat is I dont fancy a cat stew that evening! :| They are both pests and need controlling so where better to discuss methods than a hunting forum? All that comment will do is stop people asking questions and then you'll have more dimwits running around shooting foxes with air rifles etc
  19. The farm Dan is talking about is away from any neighbours and anyone that does live in an audible range is used to us shooting with 12 bores anyway so it doesn't make a difference what legal quarry is being shot as if anyone can even hear they are non the wiser as to whether we are shooting game or clays. The only person around is the farmer who wants the job doing so if hes happy to have them shot then that's obviously the best option. Also not having a go but regarding the open forum, we all know the tree huggers that browse this site are going to be just as annoyed with any quarry being
  20. My staffies x whippet was 2 weeks old when I got her. Some druggie wanted money quick so said she was going to let the last two pups on the street if no one took them that day so I took both, a girl I knew took one off me and I took mine to the vets, they wouldn't book her needles in for a later date because they said she won't be alive by then. She turns 3 in a few weeks
  21. Your dog being smart isn't a good enough reason to breed IMO, the country is overrun with dogs!
  22. I could only find the twilight version as well. Found out its only on iPhones not iPads. At the top of the app store on your iPad click iPhone apps and its there
  23. Never by a wild rat but I had 4 pet rats and must have been bitten 40+ times as one was a little b*****d! Had two ferrets and was bitten about 10 times and I'd definitely say a ferret bite is worse pain wise its just the diseases of a wild rat that would bother me. f**k sake I panicked after realising I'd cut myself gutting a rabbit and the wound was full of rabbit blood. Yuck. I now like carrots though
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