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Everything posted by kruby01

  1. The 5 feet rule is more to just single out the idiots! As stated above, it isn't a law that says you cannot! Just if it causes a danger which you wouldn't really know until you've taken the shot because it also would depend to a degree on the driver. Also is there much noise difference from a 12 bore 50ft away than there is 200ft away? I doubt it really. I've shot ducks a few times off a small pond that practically touches a road but its a very quiet road in the country with low hedges so I can see over the hedge that there is no cars on the whole road. However standing 50ft from a mo
  2. I can't believe they're still here either! The Baikal is the exact gun I wanted a few weeks ago and couldn't find one anywhere near this price so bought a sxs otherwise I'd have asked about RFD ing this. Someone buy the bloody thing! Its a bargain!
  3. You bought this bike on sunday but have owned it since 2012? :/
  4. Download 0.9 Upload 0.2 Mobile lucky to get GPRS! :'(
  5. Someone's going to get caught soon and say rake said it was okay!
  6. Nah I'm going in the army hopefully nik I did look at satellite broadband but its quite an expensive set up
  7. I live right on the border! Funily enough its a damn site cheaper than Liverpool was although broadband isn't even 1mbps
  8. Just out of interest why wouldn't you want to be off grid?
  9. Just out of interest why wouldn't you want to be off grid?
  10. Only just seen these comments. All was going well, I got the log burner going and sorted out my veg patch etc. I was starting to look at solar power when the land owner dropped the bomb that the land is about to be repossessed! f***ing wanker. Army it is then
  11. Why couldn't you have put that Baikal up a bit earlier?
  12. My three will eat anything except one won't eat raw pheasant but she will eat it cooked :s
  13. I can get £2.50 as well but I have never bothered, mine just go to the dogs
  14. Only advice I can offer as I am a complete beginner at taxidermy and have only done a few squirrels but personally to preserve I use formaldehyde after I have rinsed the fur and dried it pretty much. Also for making a squirrels tail rigid I use a piece of wire with cotton wool or fibreglass around it. I'm sure someone will be along with more advice soon but glad to share what I can
  15. dont suppose its any different breaking them to ferrets as it is a dog to sheepI suppose so, I never saw the training I just helped out hunting a few times so it surprised me that if no rabbits bolted then the hawk would just wait patiently in a tree while we put the ferrets back down
  16. Ive done this a few times myself with a female Harris, great to watch but always amazed me that the hawk doesn't go for the ferret if no rabbits bolt
  17. Majorly overpriced though!! The equivalent in smaller bars would cost roughly £5.50
  18. I dont think I do sleep mate I think I go unconscious
  19. Very funny Dan I was thinking that the other day. I'll be in a compound and get raided by Taliban or something and I'll sleep straight through it!
  20. Thanks a lot for that mate. I have a few mates in the army and they aren't much fitter than me. Watching them try and do a run after a fortnight rnr. Obviously they will then be pushed back to a rough standard which I know isn't that high but if you can't do it on selection you won't be brought back up you'll be sent home with a date to try again so I'd rather nail it day one
  21. Single rooms is obviously something I want although its not my reasons for choosing that regiment. I'm happy to be based between Woolwich and Cyprus, they are recruiting now and they are due another tour of Afghan soon
  22. yeah after depo,you'll have to put up with 6 months of the room stinking of perfume and all the lads giving each other manicures whenever they get a spare minute. Is it Episkopi they're based? I'm not sure on the namre of the Cyprus base off my head. Do you mean during training? My training will be catterrick which is 8 man rooms
  23. Pwrr is based between Woolwich and Cyprus and both bases have the newest accommodation, they are all single en suite rooms
  24. My upper body strength isn't an issue, I can smash all the other tests with time to spare. I do a lot of lifting and carrying daily, I do logging for the fire so I'm carrying big pine logs through the forest all the time and walking 4 miles with a weeks shopping or 20kg of dog food so I'm not worried about that its just the run
  25. No mate, the recruitment office wants me to go mercians but I want to go PWRR
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