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Everything posted by fenlandfieldsports

  1. just had am/pm cancellations due to work commitments on the 1st aprill you can have both outings or one price is £50 per outing and £60 for the shot throphy/skull prep is available at £30
  2. thats a good bag for crows i have to admit i prefer to shoot crows to pigeons but dont have that many that hit the fields but some huge roosts that appear around 1600hrs in some woods
  3. as title title got 3 guns coming out with us on the 23rd always shoots well when we put bigger teams out, we meet 0630hrs quick briefing, cuppa tea then of out into the estate new faces always welcome cheers karl
  4. as title days decoying on drillings and rape plenty showing a roost shoot is available on request price for days decoying £25 + £10 for roost, look forward to seeing some new and old facess
  5. come on chaps buy up all these knifes so i can have mine made !!!!! in all seriousness the cost of these knifes is nothing for what you are getting have a look on the web at similar knifes youll pay atleast double triple in most cases
  6. decoying over drillings ,rape etc we are looking to have 10 guns out to cover as much of the estate as possible 0630hrs start on the crops for first light peterborough/cambs £25 a gun look forward to seeing some old and new faces
  7. im sure someone will be able to boil it for you they stink when there left out as things rot of and fall on the floor rats start to turn up if you cant boil it bury it
  8. short notice but got some drillings that need the pigeons thinning out asap ,£25 a gun call/text before 2130hrs thanks
  9. nice catapults found a similar one other nite a poacher dropped have to admit there a bit addictive work a treat on ferals in barns id have one of you for my lad cant think what i could swap ,,,,
  10. heres a few pics to give you a idea chalk and cheese but thats pigeon decoying
  11. days decoying over drillings/rape 2nd march cambridgeshire as title organising another decoying day 2nd march we still have 1000S of pigeons on drillings and rape looking for 4+ guns to cover 15000 + acre estate there will be 2 guides out all day to help keep the birds moving with bangers etc also set out on areas not being shot. days decoying £25 decoying with roost £30 1 to 1tuition £100 Equipment can be hired at a small charge contact me direct for prices and further details thankyou karl ying
  12. they are far better especially in rain or bright sun light as they dont reflect like the old plastic type well worth paying the little extra
  13. thanks for the guns who attended ,11 guns plus 2 of us out moving birds on from unshootable areas , everyone saw 1000s birds as im sure people will confirm but they were just not feeding, bags were very low considering but apart from the chaps driving around the field (you know who you are) all went well look forward to seeing you all again, cheers karl
  14. it just outside peterborough but the days full feel free to contact me if you fancy a day always got some good shooting in the area thanks
  15. good luck ,if you can get yourself a flapper they are deadly on standing crop i sometimes just put 2 flappers out and a few bouncers put the flappers on poles, i put one just so the wings are clipping the wheat etc the other few inches above with the bouncers about 25-30 yds heading into the two flappers put them so there near ish the edge of the field if you can then as they come in they nearly all get dropped within a few feet of the hide takes a little time to get the position right but works a treat
  16. one thing i see alot is having the arms to low in high crops clipping the top spooks pigeons also altering the speed to suit the wind conditions makes a diffrence , when the battery starts to go flat dont let them slow right down, go and change it also if you suspect the birds are being spooked dont be frietened to bring it in and the big thing to remember is being in the right place is worth more then all the kit you have
  17. putting a 4 + gun team for this weekend for peterborough area £25 a gun past few outings have been 26 to 50 birds shot the birds are breaking up and seem to decoy quite well for this time of year
  18. looks a nice piece of land ,shame we cant use 222 for roe
  19. around 8 bucks to be taken contact me direct to book or more info cheers
  20. had two guns out today they shot 40 ish could have shot more but but the odd cartridge didnt have any shot in ,,,,,,
  21. well ive convinced a land owner to allow just a roost for 4 guns this thursday its a new almost un shot roost that is very busy theres a few areas that we want to cover and im pretty shaw anyone attending wont be disappointed there is decoying available also at extra cost as per my other post
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