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Mister Gain

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Everything posted by Mister Gain

  1. Have you tried a fishing tackle shop, that's where I used to buy my bands from. Used to use the BW to fire boilies (hardened/air dried). Gave it away last year.
  2. Only been shooting for 3 years, but had similar with kits (farmer wants ALL rabbits gone) where the shot is bang on, but they vigorously flip about for a while which makes a follow-up shot impossible, so have to break cover and chin them. Never had this with an adult rabbit, but had it last year with a juvenile rabbit. A 25 yard shot, bang on the money and it just fell over and lay there not moving. Went and retrieved it, picking it up by the back legs and it started flipping about, it was wearing its's brain on the outside (exit wound) so should have been dead, so I chinned it and it stopped
  3. Here's a pic. of one I snapped in the garden last year. Top one looks like a cardinal, used to get some truly massive ones when we lived in our previous place, could see the hairs on their legs. Have had a couple in this place and I just let them get on with their life, indoors or out. Wife doesn't like them though.
  4. Unfortunately it's not only the general public who voluntarily donate to the RSPCA, some companies are gullible enough to sponsor them as well. The Pets At Home stores have them as one of the options when you swipe the VIP card, I opted for Dogs Trust, and explained what I thought of the RSPCA, and told them to visit and read Dymented's facebook page "RSPCA Did This". Also, Mason Cash the ceramics company who make quality kitchenware (like the big brown mixing bowl granny used to use) and who also make a range of excellent quality ceramic dogs bowls, well inside each of those dog bowls is
  5. Just seen the first lot today, expecting some in the next few days in my concrete (now redundant) filter where there has been a pair for about a week now.
  6. Think you'll find that it's a tool used by roofers, not so much nowadays, but recall my father had a couple back in the 60's. It's for sliding up under a slate and sliding the edge to touch the nail and then drawing it down to the head and giving it a forceful tug to snap the nail without damaging the slate.
  7. Been discontinued, but I managed to get one before they all ran out. Good game bag Well done on that Fortunately I don't get many rabbits so mine should last a while yet Wonder why they stopped making them.
  8. Can kill a man in 2 hours, and can give a painfull erection for 4 hours... so they would have to wait 2 hours to put the lid on the box..
  9. I use a Shakespear Oddysey game bag, the main compartment is lined by a waterproof inner held in place by 4 heavy duty press studs, so can be removed for cleaning. Have had 7 rabbits in it and there was room for possibly 1 or 2 more. Hunters vermin has a youtube review (starts about 3 mins in), which is why I bought it. All depends on how many rabbits/birds you normally bag as to whether it would be suitable. https://youtu.be/Zq7dSv0sMkI Edited to add... Just been looking to find a link to one and can't find one anywhere (only the small game bags), so I assume they don't make them
  10. Very nice tankards Mac, and I see there's one there for LH good keepsake for the lad.
  11. Along a similar vein, I visited Pets At Home the other day to purchase a large ceramic dog bowl and inside was a sticker saying that for each one sold a donation would be made to the RSPCA. I must assume that in with the cost of the bowl is the cost of covering the donation. I asked if they had any others which did not have a donation attached and they said no, so I declined to buy one from them. Also, as a VIP member you get to opt for an automatic donation to an animal charity, I opted for dogs trust, but amongst the candidates were the RSPCA.
  12. Well done mate, cracking way to spend 4 hours
  13. That's what we got, Sainsburys Premier... wife was attracted by the Sainsburys vouchers but you don't receive them 'til 2 months after you take the policy out.
  14. I recall Modern Arms tackle, more commonly known as Marco. The lining to the rings is almost certainly agatine (agate) which at the time was used quite extensively as it was more resilient to nylon lines, which used to wear away the softish metal of the rings a lot quicker. They were just one of the many companies around at the time, like Efgeeco etc. I believe they also made guns.
  15. Craig, if you zero at 45.5 yards, your secondary zero will be at 15,8 yards. If using a 1" kill zone, with the ft/lbs you quote the pellet will stay within that killzone from 10.3 yards to 45.4. You don't say what magnification you favour so obviously mildots will vary. Edited 'cos I just noticed you DID say what magnification you use to hunt... X7. Sometimes the eyes don't co-ordinate with the brain. Using the generic mildot in Chairgun I got these results.
  16. Got to agree, customer support is A+++. Broke the rear casing of mine yesterday (fecking dogs fault), and ordered a replacement and it arrived in under 24 hours. Combro now repaired.
  17. Done, 36% for, 64% against...
  18. Don't normally celebrate valentines, halloween, birthdays, xmas, wedding anniversaries etc... so today I thought I'd make the effort, and printed off a card only to find out she has no sense of romance.
  19. I've downloaded it dave but don't really understand it Have a look on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y56nwZxSnBc Si Pittaway explains it all very well.
  20. I did a similar thing for use with my NE500 when plotted up at the orchard. Only tested them in the garden so far and they show up very well and can see the numbers well. Made with small oblongs 2"x3" of white plastikard, with numbers cut out of black plastikard and stuck on. Pegs are what came with a net for my pond, and have an appropriate slit cut into the top. We never plot up but drive around the orchard lamping
  21. Good for you mate, sounds like they're on the ropes... f*ck em, no more than they deserve. Pity they don't man up and admit they are out order and not the sweet old ladies charity they try to portray, c*nts.
  22. Mister Gain


    More than I got mate I got to take the new pup for a walk, silly b*stard hasn't quite grasped the idea of what is supposed to happen while he's out, and as soon as he comes home he goes and pisses on the decking.
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