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Everything posted by Nobby8126

  1. Hi guys. I have a fair amount of permission to shoot on the Isle of Wight but have been toying with the idea with working some dogs for a while. Now I know there is no definitive answer and a heated debate will probably erupt like asking what pellet calibre is best but I would appreciate advice. Long and short is I have kids and I would like it to be comfortable as a pet ,low maintainance grooming wise, barking ect and able to effectively retrieve and work the lamp. Not after record numbers will be used a couple of time a week but excersized on permission daily. So is it a whippet or is it a
  2. I recently took an fac spring out of mine and replaced it with an aa mainspring. That ran at 19ft/lb so I put half a tin of pellets through it and it settled down to about 11.5
  3. Hi mate. The only advice I can give about the lamping side is firstly before you go out ensure you can achieve consistent groups no bigger that a 20p (this will vary a lot with people's opinion) to ensure clean kills. And secondly enjoy yourself. You will fluff the odd shot just be quick to dispatch the quarry and learn from your mistakes. Anyone who says they never make a hash of a shot or has never had a rabbit twitch just as you pull the trigger is either extremely lucky,living in a dream world or economical with the truth. There are some good cheap lamping kits on eBay for about £25 nick
  4. I have a xs78 that has been completely customised by a guy on the Chinese air gun forum. Not only is it 11ft/lb+ it is a very good hunting rifle. It still worked out cheaper than buying an expensive starter rifle. After time I did upgrade but I still pull her out for an outing from time to time.
  5. Just a quick tip of the hat. I'm a 35 yr old ex squaddie air rifle hunter from the Isle of Wight. Look forward to hearing some of your tales from the field and stealing some recipes
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