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About Jesslurcher

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Good job, although I still think some day it'll be bye bye bunny All it takes is for the rabbit to take a wee run to itself for that killer instinct to be set off...
  2. The coats look great! Is there an entry fee for the lurcher classes tomorrow? If so how much is it? Thanks
  3. Couple more new ones for you all she's just about 23"
  4. Surely that's when fights kick off? Is in not better to have a more dominant dog and no competition for top dog? There was no competition, the terrier thought he ruled the place and didn't want the boxer near anything that he classed as his. Sometimes if I took the boxer out and left the terrier in the terrier would growl and snap at him when I brought him back in as if he was guarding his territory. In the end they had to be split up, the boxer died due to health problems(not anything to do with the terrier) and as long as the terriers here I won't have another male dog. He's just a
  5. Since the pups young it shouldn't really be a problem until the pup hits maturity and tries to be boss. When I had two dogs the terrier who was younger bullied my boxer from he was about 1 year old, the terrier was never done picking fights, the other male never fought back but the terrier still continued to bully the heck out of him. Sometimes I wish the boxer had of turned round and put him in his place! It depends on the two dogs personalities, some will live together the very best and some won't, doesn't matter if they are both dominant characters or not, the dominant one will always b
  6. You should get her out and about to shows and fairs, I'm sure if your willing to try her working there will be someone out their that would happy to help you. If you don't ask you won't ever know
  7. My collie x whippet grey has an extremely thick coat, I actually can't keep her in the house because she gets too warm. Even when the heating isn't on/fire is not lit.
  8. Great pics as usual, happy healthy looking bunch
  9. LIES!!! who you been listening to!?? Nobody, just clarifying that he was wrong.
  10. Do the blue eyes affect their eyesight? Was told a while ago not to go for a merle with blue eyes as they tend to be more prone to eye problems. Don't know if its truth or lies?...
  11. I'm glad to hear, I wish you all the best. I'm sure once she gets more use of that leg there will be no stopping her
  12. She has come a long way, you have my utmost respect Can anything be done to save/bring about more use of her leg or is it just a waiting game? I did notice she is actually using it a bit in that video
  13. Or is it a longdog.Is a longdog a lurcher ? A longdog is two sighthounds bred together for example greyhound x deerhound. A lurcher is a sighthound bred with a non sight hound, like a collie or some kind of bull to result in a smarter dog. I have a whippet x greyhound who is dumb as hell and a grey x collie who has brains to burn. Two different types for different things. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. c**ts, I don't understand how people can steal others belongings, especially animals. If you want something work for it, get your own, don't steal someone elses! Hope they're found out! There's been a lot of dogs stolen up here lately, the people stealing them have been going round the houses and sticking tiny stickers on the gates that have suitable dogs, then sending someone else for them in the night. Usually they are used as bait to train fighters on, disgusting if you ask me..
  15. Great photos! Dog looks like its enjoying itself too
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