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Tom Crichton

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Everything posted by Tom Crichton

  1. I take it you want scope mounted,tracer max pro is a good lamp,i use one for my air rifle but use it when i go foxing with a lad.Tracer max pro should suit your needs.You can also use it as a handheld lamp.Hope this helps
  2. hi all,does any one have any dimensions,diagrams or pictures of a lowa earth anchor driver because I am wanting to make one.Expensive to buy.Have got everthing else.Homemade anchors,some cables that i bought from john b at fourteen acre now just need the driver. Cheers lads Tom.Crichton
  3. Most fox traps on the markert are too small,do you know any one who can make you one up?
  4. The traps of ebay are crap,go for flatpack or bethel rhodes
  5. If you are trapping mink aswell,you want a couple of mk6 fenns not just mk4s
  6. Spotted this on amazon,looks like a good little lamp to get a young person started or someone on a budget http://www.amazon.co.uk/Silverline-483424-Million-Candle-Vehicle/dp/B004P3QWIC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1372265780&sr=8-2&keywords=1+million+candle+power+torch Might get one myself!!!!!
  7. You shouldent put a fox on top of the trap because if another fox comes in it will be concentrating on the smell of the other foxes blood,which means it wont be concentrating on the bait it game for
  8. I went last year and as stated absoulute piss,going again this year to see if it has improved cos carnt go to lowther this year although if i could i wouldnt be going to the west cumbrian
  9. I googled deben but i carnt find the wiring kits?
  10. Would i use the lamp connector fuses from deben?
  11. Hi,I was just wondering if it would be possible to join 2 12v 7amp batterys together to make a 12v 14amp battery?If you could take pictures to show me great,but if not then fire away Thanks Tom
  12. Rather than tying the door up and letting the fox take the bait for a while then setting it properly ,,just put a chicken at the front of the trap then one in the middle then one behind the tredle.This means the fox will be used to going near the trap then when it goes for the last chicken.TRAPPED!!!!!!
  13. Alot of people like the Wam and the tenterfield one
  14. Been watching it all day,new series on thursday.As above uncle si is a legend
  16. Type it in on google "Is it illegal to sell wild birds"loads of people have been arrested
  17. I think you will find that is illegal,its classed as selling wild birds
  18. Lamping rats would be good but if not pigeon shooting
  19. I ment to say what model, sorry
  20. Smk synxs,thanks for all the replys lads
  21. What gun and pellets are you using mate?
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