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Tom Crichton

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Everything posted by Tom Crichton

  1. I think these might be the snares Mr Teapot. http://www.bushwear.co.uk/product/new-ghost-fox-snare-and-tealer
  2. Woodga sells fox snares and Glenn Waters done a fox snaring dvd. You will have to ask the right people though to find it
  3. Plenty reels of cable there woodga
  4. How you getting on with the moles rabbitmad?
  5. Flatpack on the left, bethel rhodes on the right
  6. no problem, dont rush when setting them. You might get them filled with soil but think about why and reset,once you get used to it,it will be like riding a bike
  7. Flatpack half-barrel traps,very good traps imo, a few others would probably tell you the same.https://www.theflatpack.co.uk/merchantmanager/product_info.php?cPath=3&products_id=9
  8. Cheers for all the replys,what about this 1 looks better. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hand-Made-Wooden-Trout-Priest/dp/B00GEZ7WVU/ref=sr_1_5?s=sports&ie=UTF8&qid=1390243323&sr=1-5&keywords=wooden+priest
  9. hello,I am looking for a priest for despatching wounded game birds on a shoot day and was wondering if this 1 would be ok .http://www.amazon.co.uk/MDI-Quality-Wooden-Priest-lanyard/dp/B007U5PBES/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3A3UYND56JMNP&coliid=I3TB3XUFZNU1I9. I know its abit late in the season to be getting 1 but its there for next year.Thanks
  10. Cheers,I had read reviews that said that they fell of in high winds but i didnt know if they had changed the type of metal in anyway to improve them.
  11. Hi,how do people rate the eezzy wobblers for shell decoys? also where would you reccomend buying them from? Thanks
  12. I am hopeing to get some permanent tunnels made this Christmas for stoats and weasels. I might use a mk6 in the permanent tunnels 6s are ok but hard to make a nice perminant tunnel for and i dont think they catch stoats and weasles as well as 4s, but were you are you will pick up a few rabbits (from memory ) get some old clay drainage pipes they make nice invisble tunnels dug in right, you will have a lot of eyes on your ground I just want to use mk6 because i havent used them
  13. Will do moley,caught my jacket on it when i was making them
  14. I am hopeing to get some permanent tunnels made this Christmas for stoats and weasels. I might use a mk6 in the permanent tunnels
  15. the second picture,Wow that took some time to get the pictures up
  16. wont work,says the file is to big to upload and i am only trying to put 1 picture up
  17. This is just 1 of the tunnels i made,I made 2 others that are the same design.John B helped me by telling me how long i needed to cut the mesh so thanks to him. Sorry,the pics arnt of the best quality
  18. The Ole Hedgecreeper done a review on all of them,I think it was on the countrymans diarys. http://www.countrymans-diary.co.uk/index.php/air-rifle-from-field-to-plate/knowledge-of-hunting. There you go mate
  19. Yes they are alright.Like i say it depends what you want them for.if you want them for going out normally when its tipping it down you would be better of with flexothane leggings rather then the the chaps.flexothane have good jackets to but you will want a fleece on underneath because they are not fleece lined.Imo get the flexothane leggings and a ridgline jacket better than the flexothane jackets
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