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Welsh in the south west

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About Welsh in the south west

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    North sumerset

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  1. Who is off to welsh game fair then pics of any dogs going.
  2. I have a bellman and flit for sale 275 + P&P
  3. hi I am new to hunting life but looks good lets get stuck in
  4. I have a saluki/greyhound x whippet she marks hole's works cover well and is not that bad at lamping. in a odd way I trust her nose more than any terrier I know.
  5. It is a split after closer in section it looks like a under run sole I took her for a walk today walking ok with a sock over her foot thanks for all your replays a wealth of knowledge u give manny thanks
  6. Thanks for that much as I was thinking !!! any tips on how to harden up their feet
  7. I have a bitch with a split pad on her front left foot I have never had this before any tips or do's and don'ts.
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