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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. Must have bull in it then Best way keep within the law,dont you know it's 5 grand and six months porridge per mouse if it comes on top
  2. that was close mate...atb.. shes got scares all over pal I had a dog called scar....that was a mistake calling him that.. ....the thing was f****n covered in big nasty scars,usually happening from chasing deer....so you can imagine....need less to say the dog killed himself chasing a deer... ,I think the worst one was 23 staples and 8 stitches....one big rip from the ribs to the knee cap....not nice. ...but expected....thing was a f****n looney That's the effect the big bouncing white arse end can have on any keen running dog lol
  3. They are trying to get in ( for the ice cream ) not out ! As long as they leave my butter alone,got enough with the elephants footprints !
  4. Eggs for egging ! chicken for eating !
  5. Looks the double of a dog out of thorn,I used to run for my mate,always regretted not taking up the offer of owning him myself,but wanted a pup at the time,saw axle run a bit when he was 5 year old very fast to get to his hare,strangely he would only run so many rabbits before getting sick,but a real dog for larger quarry,all the best for next season with your bitch
  6. Hold the dog back for a while,let it watch the experienced dogs doing the job,even if the dog never took to foxing,there is plenty of other uses for him
  7. Oh s**t forgot we are the only country in the world where mouse coursing is banned,better empty my freezer before I get the dawn raid
  8. That's more like it, a real throwback to the old doxhope stuff,very nice
  9. Been a long time since doxhope bred the dogs,seen a few first crosses run from that line back in the 90's,they could certainly do the job,and we're real good lookers
  10. id say over 26 wud be big for any bitch Especially if she has borrowed her fathers Y fronts and she is concealing a big ole bubble but ass,alongside a prosthetic organ lol,all in double dip recession humour squire lol
  11. Look at the eyes on her,saying that though after a night on the LCL I would bost the tits off her,social club here I come lol
  12. Speak for yourself budgie chest
  13. Hello and welcome brucemyster,there is an unlimited font of knowledge,a nonstop wealth of interest,but most of all ,the biggest bunch of p**s takers in the land on here,but if you have a sense of humour you will fit right in lol
  14. Big difference between queensberry rules and bare knuckle fighting
  15. Youre spot on there penny, Ive been getting some "chicken mince" from a local pet supplies at 40p per lb, and its basically minced chicken carcass among other things. It looks exactly how you describe, pink slushy pulp. The lumps were hardly noticeable and it wasnt mince as we know it. Another once or twice through a fine mincer and you could pass that off as ANYTHING once its covered in breadcrumbs and had a few flavourings added! Gaz When you see how well some of the dogs look on this kind of food,it makes me wonder,how much difference there really is in nutritional value betwe
  16. Sounds like you might have picked up a bit of permission for next season lol
  17. That reminds me I must get those pencils sharpened
  18. What do you call a cowboy with no legs

    1. low plains drifter
    2. pip1968


      anything he wont catch you

    3. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      what about the lassoo,he's a crack shot lol

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  19. What's wrong with the fat lass in the kitchen
  20. ask your dad for a african sand whippet they the best they turn on a penny piece But sink up to their chins on heavy british clay
  21. Have'nt you heard stripes are the new merle this season's must have's Hahaha ! I'm throwing my merle pair out immediately and will be advertising on pre-loved for a stripey brindle merle that can smash stuff Never throw out until you have replaced,as I have learn't to my cost,sorry got mixed up there thought this was the book of old saying's topic
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