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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. You could have took the duds off the radiator before taking this picture
  2. What's all this arguing shit sounds like a hunting life version of the quiet man where's john wayne when you need him
  3. Glad to hear one of the scabby b*****ds has been took out of circulation anyway,had a bit of bother with dog thieves myself,keep mine in the house now,too much of a worry having dogs out in the kennel
  4. Haha some good ones A WOULD LOVE TAE GO FOR A PINT WAE HALF OF THEM... ....IMAGINE EH SHITE THEY WOULD TALK WAE A DRINK IN EM... ....ATB MATE... Imagine! have'nt you already realised nobody comes on here until their full of sauce
  5. Unusual looking dog that,nothing wrong with experimenting,saluki and bull crosses have been the in thing for a good while now,good to see some variety,as far as foxes are concerned some of them have got more tricks than a magician i've seen two drop flat on the ground as the dog was coming in to strike,and they both got away,I wonder how many times they might have done that as this happened on heavily lamped land
  6. Got an arse like firework night today lol

    1. LaraCroft


      everyone looks at it and says "ooooooooohhhhhh pretty ! " ?!

    2. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Not everyday I get a compliment from Lara Croft lol

  7. Are you sure he was'nt trying to flog you one of his stolen hi viz jacket's,got some imagination you BB,keep trying you might make a journalist yet,you hear some Tall Tales on this site
  8. A lot of the saluki lurcher lads prefer to have a fair bit more than 1/4 saluki blood in their dogs for the big land,I,ve seen 3/4 grey 1/4 saluki's running on smallish fields and they we're well suited,handy lamp dogs aswell
  9. I take it the electric shock treatment has'nt been successful for you,dont worry p w,plenty of fresh fenland air should put you right
  10. i'll start by saying i've no experience of saluki x's what so ever,but what do you mean by getting on their wave length, as i expect the dog to get on the same page as me not the other way round.if you mean not to expect collie x sort of reactions then i get it but not to sure what you mean You just have to get to know the dog and once you have the dog's trust,it,s all about patience and putting the work in,like the saying goes if it's worth having it's worth working for
  11. you keep wishing that you had same lines kid already got a dog lined up out of meg bitch out of sankeys dancer back to joey so am cush pal. Go buy ya self a yorki ya sausage. But you can only dream about moving up to the cornfield joe level,all the best with your camel breds ya hot dog
  12. Has the bitch been lined yet,my pup deposit money is burning a hole in my pocket
  13. Looks like he's got a bit of growing to do yet,you're gonna have some team for next season,hope your cream bitch is recovering alright atb
  14. He looks a nice strong pup captain,good bit of coat on him aswell what age is he ?
  15. Thats me on my way to east scotland,got my minshaws primed,yes I know these roads,i'm an old hand,contact me for all your east scotch game needs,I move silent,I move deadly,catch me if you dare
  16. Cannot remove the settee from my back

  17. The dog that wins this will be a legent in it's own lifedime
  18. They get around them rabbits,breed like rabbits they do
  19. l cant help bin a funny guy mush its just when i see all the bitching on this forum i had to come on and take the piss. lt makes me feel better knowing that ive got some backs up. So on a monday morning when ive got the monday blues i just think back to the night before. Any way father teds on am off. Off ya tits fella! There you go lads, wind up merchant The first of many end of season piss take posts
  20. Was talking to cornfield joe the other day sick as a chip he is all the rain has done for his crop
  21. Now known as Le salvager as he's over in france now,he can make some quality stuff,never see anything like it in MFI lol
  22. He's a good looker,what's his breeding ?
  23. Strange you should say that when you consider that there is coursing lines in both breeds,I dare say there has probably been a few very handy ones when they we're more popular
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