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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. Tay was 5/8 greyhound 3/8 whippet weighed 49/50lbs & stood 24 1/2", I bred a litter 6 months ago & kept back a smaller version of Tay, she's about 20" tts & weighs 29lb a very stocky bitch. She's a nice solid young bitch,what age do they have to be before they can run on the track
  2. The shooting of hares seems the most unnatural form of fieldsport to me,infact there is no sporting chance involved,the speed,stamina,agility and knowledge of the land are the hare's defences,to see hares driven to a line of waiting guns,and then pumped full of lead shot is no more than slaughter,and when I hear of hundreds of hares being shot in a single day,when so much of todays farmland does'nt hold a single hare,never mind a population,it has to make you wonder
  3. Good to see one of this breeding,rather than the usual plodder saluki hybrids
  4. Have they started prescribing L.S.D again
  5. Good to see that clip geoff,are the dogs mainly whippet with a small amount of greyhound blood,little flying machines whatever they are
  6. Cannot beat a bit of good old Irish fertiliser
  7. Was just wondering geoff did you continue to run Tay on hares,and do you still keep the same line of dogs
  8. The dog I have is a grandson to irish lady,he used to tie them in knots and could box them up into a small area,was a shock to me and a few other lads to see such a big rangey dog run like that,he's 10 year old now but still likes to show what he can do now and then,wish he was 2 year old again lol I was quite surprised at my buddy bred dog how he runs them on the small land near home hes cuaght me a good few on fields a small dog would have trouble with. Has anybody ran a straight irish terrier/ grey and what was the irish terrier bred for ? Atb I've heard the Irish terrier was a very game
  9. I can hear the rabbit screaming cannot take anything away from Tay,he put everything in to that run,and if that was his first time behind a hare,he ran very well,liked the other dog aswell,good comparison of running styles
  10. Good point blackgreyhound,I had a good walk around a shooting estate this afternoon,the hare population was thriving until the mid 90's when the lamping really got popular,then it become a case of shooter vs lamper,and it was the hare that suffered,the place looks silent now,dont know about anyone else but for me brown hares,grey partriges,lapwings and skylarks bring the land to life
  11. Good to hear about some hares doing so well,It was because of the high hare population that I first developed my 20 year obsession with hares on a small shoot that we used to visit as school kids,it was around the same time that i saw you on the telly with speckle and how you mentioned how solitary it was about being a lamper,never forgot that,and always enjoyed what you said or wrote about this crazy life atb to you c.w.
  12. They call me the wideboy,everywhere I go

  13. The dog I have is a grandson to irish lady,he used to tie them in knots and could box them up into a small area,was a shock to me and a few other lads to see such a big rangey dog run like that,he's 10 year old now but still likes to show what he can do now and then,wish he was 2 year old again lol
  14. That new white bitch you've got reminds me of my old bitch that I lost in january 13 year old she was,and still wanted to fight with the bull terrier in the vets 10 minutes before she was put to sleep,breast and lung cancer,if that is'nt gameness I dont know what is,nothing like starting out with a young prospect,all the best with yours
  15. What's going on with all of these dogs captain,you'll be able to have a comp on your own at this rate lol,i've found another dvd with a bit more footage of the Irish dogs on,i'll send it over to you with a few photos of my dogs,I tell you I was born too late,no good with all this modern technology,never mind the dogs you will be fit enough to catch them after training that team lol
  16. Real nice thing that you've done for her j dog,i've been lucky as good dogs have always found me,looks like the same thing has happened to you,all the best to you and your pack, good lad
  17. Looks like a couple of nice clean heart shots,get some strong ones on that hilly land,hope you did'nt make the poor bitch retrieve them too far
  18. Yeah I was told black leghorns we're good egg layer's and big eggs for a banty,I got 3/ 16 week old light sussex bantams a few year ago,lovely looking things they were,but did'nt start laying until they were 8 months old,only got a few eggs before they went broody,then they were just squawking all day got too noisy as I keep them in the back garden,just got 3 hybrid hens at the minute,quiet as mice,and lay non stop,thanks for the advice atb
  19. I like fuji's photos,15 minutes of looking at them makes me feel like i've had a good walk,shame about my own dogs,they go no further than the back garden now
  20. Gutted I was looking for a x-box. My neighbour is threatening to sell one,if his daughter does'nt come back with his dole money
  21. Just looking for some advice,could anyone tell me what breed of banty would be a good one to look for,for egg laying,was hoping to find a breed that does'nt go broody too often
  22. Most will say it never made the grade.I would love to know what the grade is.And when a dog fails it. What worries me is where do all these dogs go that didn't make the grade, I know some will pts but I bet far more get sold on. Some of the lurcher owners I've met are like a kid with a box full of toys,never happy with what they've got and when the next one comes along the novelty soon wears off regardless of the dogs ability,never mind the dogs not making the grade,take a look at the lazy arse temporary owners
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