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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. agree 100% only slip in that should ever be done imho is if a young pups meets mr right on wrong day , then maybe send in a seasoned soldier to put an end to it, and even then ya gotta question whose at fault, maybe not the pup? they learn sod all from slip ins imho, gives em a false read of the workload they will face alone, maybe in the olden days this happened more and was even competed for was doubles, maybe thats cos they did not have the dogs we able to have nowadays ? besides all the fair play buisness how can ya carry a can of stella on a nice days coursing in the july heat w
  2. I'll be on the hill today

    1. walshie


      Over the hill. lol

    2. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Not that old are you walshie lol

    3. FUJI


      Hope you enjoyed the day mate..bit of hill walking is great craic.

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  3. He moves silent, He moves deadly,strange how some of the young plugs look up to a tool that has been in and out of prison a few times,seen this myself with a supposed dog man,never understood the attraction myself
  4. Is it just me or can anyone else feel the presence of a white wolf ?
  5. Seen both long and short coupled dogs tying them in knots,but I do like the style of a fast short coupled little coursing bitch with a tight running style
  6. But have you got fly fishing by J R Hartley The hunting gene by Robin Page is some book,written in support of countrysports unbiased as it is written by a farmer/conservationist,who does'nt hunt,shoot or fish,but has an unlimited knowledge of what country life and living is all about
  7. Fences and that brings another question........is it essential for a dog to jump....... can you see where were going with this That reminds me any updates on whether a kangaroo is fast or not,and I'm not talking about the ones that are still trying to gnaw their way through old rolf's rope
  8. I carn`t believe anyone would even ask WHY????? On a brighter note, perhaps Anubis will rise from the ashes and a new era will begin He ain't been posting anything any more strange this week than he was posting before...unless I'm missing something...probably missed it eh? Fun while it lasted...I'm waiting for the book...Diana the Huntress: The Woburn Years... A snowball rolling down a hill, gets bigger and bigger until eventually it can no longer contain its own size and implodes Would this be the pere david variety of snowball
  9. Make sure you spell Geoff's name right mind, he gets quite irate about it !! .... Sure you're not confusing him with plumber
  10. Snake hips,strong knees,and twinkle toes,oh and some quality saluki blood
  11. Another £ 30 bargain that a few people might have heard of was fettle,funny how some famous dogs start off in life,then when they make the grade on the fens it's value can rocket
  12. Nice offers there everyone,sounds like the lad is going to end up with more kit than what he had to start with
  13. Keen young pup there and a good looker,when do you stop rabbiting,or is it a year round job for you atb
  14. Like a winter's day on the moors this eve

  15. Elizabethan collar you must be in the semi professional ranks skycat,we amateurs use the old lampshade
  16. Have you ever heard the curlew cry and walked the purple heather ?

    1. tote


      Have you ever walked the lonesome hills

      And heard the curlew's cry

      Or seen the raven black as night

      Upon a windswept sky

      To walk the purple heather

      And hear the west wind cry

      To know that's where the rapparee must die

    2. tote


      Young Ned of the hill.

    3. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      That's a vast improvement on my attempt cheers tote

  17. I was considering a father / daughter mating,in the hope that a particular running style could be maintained,as there was no stud dog of this breeding that I could find,the owner of the bitch was'nt too keen so I did'nt push it,I do remember an accidental mating of brother and sister deerhounds,the pups turned out well both as workers and show dogs,I hope your pups come good for you atb
  18. Yes they both work, they are all rounders. Tazi are more of a hunting dogs, my bitch is more more of a mountain type than open steppe type so she is more at home on rough ground than flat open fields. I'm going to be honest here as I really don't want to waste anyones time (including my own), I am really looking for people that already know what Tazi and saluki's are about, rather than trying to 'sell' them to people who don't know anything about them. I'm really sorry if I upset anyone but these are not just going to go anyone with enough cash. What do you mean cash I th
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