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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. I saw innie run a bit on the old dvd's,real smart bitch,looked like she could have ran on any land atb
  2. He's out of chalkie's old dog Glider K C,dont know who the mother was,he was bought from someone in Durham at 10 month's old,I got him when he was 23 month's,I remember a dog/bitch named vito in the advert in the cmw the seller had 5 of this breeding for sale atb
  3. He was just having a moan,we had'nt seen any big rabs lol
  4. Ten year old and still loving his roadwork One for the daywalkers name that fen Now that's what you call head gear Hanging loose in the closed season One for the Irish lads,they love the red coated stuff ,Look at the double coat on that 2 mallards at dusk
  5. Anyone know how the lady was bred
  6. hares breed all year round !:/ But anyone who tries to suggest that they do not have a period of the year where they are waaaaay more likely to do so (not to mention successfully rear the young) does not know much about the country side! And uses that as an excuse to run them in the summer.There is absolutely no need to run hares in the summer ,those that do so should at least be honest and say I don't give a f**k about sportsmanship, or coursing pregnant /nursing hares and the possibility of leaving leverets to starve to death I'm doing it because i want to. Leverets have s
  7. And here's me thinking you were the leader of the T shirt and Tattoo's summer daywalkers A team
  8. Good to hear of a veteran that is capable and willing to still do the job,always remind me of the old well past retirement age fellas you see in the gyms,full of enthusiasm and still looking forward,the mind is willing,but the flesh is weak,but nature is'nt always as simple as that,what's the dogs name not kirk douglas by any chance
  9. hares breed all year round !:/ I've read that hares can carry leverets of different ages at the same time,and yes they can breed all year round I once saw hares boxing in october,anyone ever noticed the way hares congregate on very windy nights
  10. Im not one to be around horses nancy, lol.. it was great to see Just a shame the dogs dont come when called,anyone heard about that saluki prey drive
  11. And therein lies the problem...I was young once...and now I ain't anymore...and it's far too late for me to get on the ole high horse who goes by the name sanctimony...hopefully he'll learn...and you'll be able to rest assured that the hares down your way get to enjoy their summer break...happy days... Not just young lads mind, saw a couple of lads out in the fields must have been mid 30s/early 40s walking the fields looking for kick ups about a week ago. Just read your post there mate lol,and yes not all of us have anyone to put us on the right track,but with half a clue and a c
  12. Been out for a good walk earlier on and if the hail stones that froze me to the bone today aswell as last night means the summer is here,I want a feckin refund,but I'm pretty sure there are a fair few of all ages killing hares all year round,as the saying goes,there are old men that have never learn't,and there are young men that never will
  13. You could'nt ask for more well put together pups than them lovely strong things they are,love that gentle rough coated cream bitch in the fourth pic aswell,all the best with them lads
  14. I remember watching two hares in a field sitting next to a large piece of sandstone,as the hares moved away,the stone got up and followed them,it was massive,i'd say about 22 lbs ,never seen one like it since
  15. Well someone's got to provide the humour around here,the season's over,have you lot got nothing better to do than worry about september,get an allotment you miserable lot,and grow something tasty to go with next seasons organic catch
  16. According to prof plummer, cowper the mad poet had some hares that lived to about 12 year old in an enclosure
  17. That's a big old lump of a hare,at a guess I would say the heaviest one I ever caught would have been around the 10/11 pound mark,and it was a fair bit heavier than the average hare's up here,it was one of two big old red backed hares that used to come off the farmland on to the school field,that was 1994/95,must say it did have some fat around the kidneys,but it took some catching,think it only got caught because it kept missing the gap in the steel mesh fence,it was no mug and it would have been ran a lot as the local fields were hammered at the time atb
  18. The orange club's dont catch many,but there is a type that are mint
  19. He looks like a strong coursing greyhound rather than a saluki cross in that photo
  20. Looking good captain,are the two cream dogs related
  21. Skull fcuked this eve by hail stones,whilst mouching around 1 of my sporting estates lol

    1. walshie


      One of my sporting estates. Oooh. La-de-da! lol

  22. Thought this was about garden hopping when I read the title lol,seen a few dogs that pull up a good few feet from hedges and miss out on a lot of catches,bet that little red bitch takes some getting away from very nice
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