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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. Fair enough your dogs are looking good on it, but why add more protein with meat, when you are feeding 28% protein. I received info on feeding gain from the rep, for my working whippet, who said to feed Gain 28% on its own. if adding raw meat which i was planning, to feed Gain 20% with a supplement. Could try keeping a sack of both 20 and 28%,I do this with the red mills and make a mix,of varying amounts depending on how much exercise/work the dogs have had,also feed meat,carcass,tins of fish etc,dogs look ok on it
  2. The good jacko,the bad jacko,so where is the ugly jacko?,and what is his saluki called ?
  3. What do you mean closed season Not what you want to find,when you go looking for the next crop of leverets the land where I found this only held 3 adult hares last winter Aye Aye Partridge stalking saluki,more to them than point and shoot Oh deery me
  4. Like the idea of a homemade catty,I've done a bit of stickmaking using hazel,what tree would you say produces the best wood for catty making ?
  5. My mate once lost a dog that had taken a liking to chewing the greenery,it was Ivy that caused her death,some poisonous plants to watch out for-,black and white bryony,buttercup,hemlock,deadly nightshade,meadow saffron and henbane,maybe unlikely that you will have any of these in your garden,but for anyone living in a rural setting with a garden backing onto a stream or similar you never know
  6. The king of the poachers,by John connel and The hunting gene by Robin page,are a couple of good ones from the past
  7. You must be a hard man to part with her,I could'nt,hope she gets a good home
  8. Can you hear the thunder?,you better run, you better take cover !

    1. walshie


      He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich. lol

    2. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      You were short changed,tell him you want marmite next time lol

    3. walshie


      Nah. I come from a land down under

  9. Yes he has more money than sense. He's not looking,He's just buying
  10. Nice looking pair,are they related,and which one does the best goaty removal
  11. Got one of hancocks books,my life with lurchers,see he has had worldwide interest in his stock,good pic of teddy moritz with her dog lee,and a couple of big hares I have'nt looked in this book for about 6 years,I dont forget much when it comes to the dogs,it's only my A hole,but I reckon a business cannot last this many years without doing something atleast halfway right
  12. I'm in the mood for dancing,romancing feel like taking a chance tonight (Colm meaney Roddy doyle's the van circa 1996) Low plains drifter, off subject for a moment. Roddy doyles The Van an absolute classic film. " have you got a choc ice mister " It's a nappy,ahh fcuk off would you, I have the evidence,shove the fcukin evidence,here you get out and start the van,nobody can cut shapes on the dance floor like C M
  13. When the urge to get out in the fresh air,and the wild places with the dogs comes on,it's get up and go time,natural instinct,it's been around a lot longer than the camera lol,
  14. Is that pale rider coming over the hill lol,you wanna get yourself a big ole pair of camo crocs they let the water back out
  15. I'm in the mood for dancing,romancing feel like taking a chance tonight (Colm meaney Roddy doyle's the van circa 1996)
  16. Know what you mean Cheeser,this freezer filling malamute I've bought is never gonna make a top flight mouse hound,opinionated fish heads I hate em
  17. Snozberries,vermicious knids you're off your flaming rocker you wonka! I thought I could take the fruit until I read this!
  18. Solid looking dog him captain,shame to lose any dog so young
  19. Same with me,missed out on some cracking red sky shots couple of days ago
  20. :laugh: she was a little bugger at times,i remember when she jumped into next door and got there joint of beef for there sunday dinner and you washed it off and had it for yours And asked if I could borrow the gravy :laugh: Put a lurcher in a field (or next doors yard) and it'll come out with a dinner
  21. It certainly is'nt the jars in tesco are fitted with security alarms ffs
  22. I know where theres an isle at tescos stu So do I and it does'nt go for £45 a jar,think i'll try tynemouth market,it's the farmers market every third saturday of the month,for anyone that is interested
  23. Nothing like a bit of water work for the dogs in the closed season,got any manuka bushes down there
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