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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. Been a long time since doxhope bred the dogs,seen a few first crosses run from that line back in the 90's,they could certainly do the job,and we're real good lookers
  2. id say over 26 wud be big for any bitch Especially if she has borrowed her fathers Y fronts and she is concealing a big ole bubble but ass,alongside a prosthetic organ lol,all in double dip recession humour squire lol
  3. Look at the eyes on her,saying that though after a night on the LCL I would bost the tits off her,social club here I come lol
  4. Speak for yourself budgie chest
  5. Hello and welcome brucemyster,there is an unlimited font of knowledge,a nonstop wealth of interest,but most of all ,the biggest bunch of p**s takers in the land on here,but if you have a sense of humour you will fit right in lol
  6. Big difference between queensberry rules and bare knuckle fighting
  7. Youre spot on there penny, Ive been getting some "chicken mince" from a local pet supplies at 40p per lb, and its basically minced chicken carcass among other things. It looks exactly how you describe, pink slushy pulp. The lumps were hardly noticeable and it wasnt mince as we know it. Another once or twice through a fine mincer and you could pass that off as ANYTHING once its covered in breadcrumbs and had a few flavourings added! Gaz When you see how well some of the dogs look on this kind of food,it makes me wonder,how much difference there really is in nutritional value betwe
  8. Sounds like you might have picked up a bit of permission for next season lol
  9. That reminds me I must get those pencils sharpened
  10. What do you call a cowboy with no legs

    1. low plains drifter
    2. pip1968


      anything he wont catch you

    3. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      what about the lassoo,he's a crack shot lol

    4. Show next comments  1,275 more
  11. What's wrong with the fat lass in the kitchen
  12. ask your dad for a african sand whippet they the best they turn on a penny piece But sink up to their chins on heavy british clay
  13. Have'nt you heard stripes are the new merle this season's must have's Hahaha ! I'm throwing my merle pair out immediately and will be advertising on pre-loved for a stripey brindle merle that can smash stuff Never throw out until you have replaced,as I have learn't to my cost,sorry got mixed up there thought this was the book of old saying's topic
  14. Have'nt you heard stripes are the new merle this season's must have's
  15. Their go faster stripes,thought everyone knew that every track greyhound is brindle then im getting one Good luck finding somewhere to run it I hear the tracks are getting scarce these days
  16. Their go faster stripes,thought everyone knew that
  17. Rotten bottom will do for now,what's that on the carpet ,looks a lovely little thing all the best with him mate
  18. Makes a refreshing change going out with just the one dog now and then,you must need eyes in the back of your head when you're out with the team lol
  19. Good to see jabba the hut is still on the circuit
  20. I remember joe calzaghe once saying,he only ever sparred using light contact,why get hit hard in the gym you get enough of that in the fight,considering how successful his career was,who can argue with him ? I remember a friends wife saying he was too pretty to box, maybe that's why Did'nt need to box with all his 30 shot combos lol
  21. Tight a hold with both hands on the end of the barrels big swing with all your might gotta hit something
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