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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. Woke Wilf will have a place in his heart for the Golly
  2. Let me know if you need a hand with the windblown trees anyway, I'll come down for a day or three, I'm having a couple of weeks off work next month
  3. There's a furniture maker up here, he does the milling, not sure what saw he uses, Stihl 881 probably or the big one from Husky, I know he makes oak and walnut dining tables etc so will be using some decent kit, aye you'd need the engine and the right kind of chain for the heavy grained wood
  4. What do you reckon about the oak trunks, will they be big enough to mill a few planks out of?
  5. That's a shame, being oak trees, sounds like snaggy work
  6. Think I'm about done for now Mel, few lighter sessions over autumn and winter, clear any windblown trees if any more hurricanes occur etc
  7. Another day of rest First few pics are branches stick in the ground from felled trees, gone about a foot deep, wouldn't fancy one of them in the back of the Gregory Bit of a tidy up, building the habitat piles etc
  8. Incidentally I come a cropper on the push iron circa January 2013, thought I was alright until a day or two later then the heaving chest kicked in, I'm like this now
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