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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. I'm from the reverse the charges generation
  2. Ye of little faith Charts is old school, and will just phone the operator You know?
  3. Few small bowls of jumbo oats and some mild to moderate aerobics he'll be reet
  4. Indeed the bastardisation twixt Bedlington terrier and saluki was a revelation to the layman Circa 1976
  5. You're a stand up guy Heathcliff You know?
  6. I hear the farmer that has these fields has been paid to grow wild flowers for the next few years, its good to see some set aside, and rough grass margins, but why have full fields of weed flowers on previously productive arable land, they've knocked the house building back twice, see what happens at the end of this
  7. Stick who owned Swoop used to come on here, canny fella Stick
  8. Budget long Johns Perish the thought You know?
  9. Combined with a pair of black sta press they could be this seasons brothel creepers
  10. People might be having kittens over this You know? Grrrrrrrrrrr! Grrrrrrrrrrr!
  11. We could only dream of Marxist and harriden
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