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low plains drifter

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Everything posted by low plains drifter

  1. Is that right, creepy little toucher? I'll have to go back and chore some more caramel chocolate shortcake then
  2. The blowers still ringing off the hook here, this is likely to cause me to go ex directory
  3. Could just be a bit of middle age spread Did you know mC HULL plodges 3x30 miles every day and is still 3XL, but you could strike a Swan vesta on any part of his dogs anatomy
  4. Local drift, and road work More magpies than you can shake a stick at
  5. Has this bugger been open not only on a Sunday, but till yon time on a Sunday?
  6. Not all that glitters is gold! You know?
  7. I hear they call it stations of the Kings Cross a few mile further down the line
  8. Did they use duty free Old Holborn?
  9. Colter wall carpets? I remember the advert, prefer the well sanded and sealed floorboards myself, but am partial to a tidy Axminster
  10. I was asked to pen the foreword, but I digress
  11. Fuckinn hell, he's even got the hessian sack complete with quick set longnet
  12. I know I've seen them in my 1st edition collins gem of the wildlife of Hull penned by Dr Draymond mC HULL
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