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Everything posted by salclalin

  1. Just been up to feed my Chickens and discovered Rats had got into one of my sheds containing a Broody Bantam and a Clutch of Light Sussex chicks. Only to find all the Chicks missing. There was blood over the front of the shed where the b*****ds had dragged them out. All out War has been declared.
  2. leave the retrieving alone for a couple of days, then go back to the garden training. If this fails attach the dummy to a light piece of string when you call the pup to you take the tension up on the string so you are virtually towing the pup towards you. When the pup is at your side give it plenty of fuss. Hope this helps.
  3. Nice going mate, The amount of times i've left the safety on the Fenn's for the rats
  4. I caught a 19" rat last year there is a pic on here somewhere. There is also a pic of a 20" rat that i caught this year i think it is on of Red dogs posts.
  5. They should be about now.My young bitch caught a Hare in January which was in young.(Accidentally of course.)
  6. A mate of mine has just had a litter of chocolate Cockers. He's in South Wales.
  7. Caught this Big fela this morning in a mK 4 Fenn . He measure 20 inches long. The wire i used for a gauge is two inch mesh.
  8. You get what you pay for..A mate of mine bought some up the Midland last year when he got them home he set them and found them to be utter Crap.Your'e better off buying genuine Fenns.
  9. Nice going mate How many you had now mate?
  10. I caught one last year, it was 19 inches long from nose to tip of tail.There is/was a pic of it on here somewhere in a competition run by Ditch Shitter.
  11. Had a bit of fun Ratting yesterday with Red Dog and another mate.We caught Seventeen, not a great Haul but had some great fun. The Black and Tan mongrel Terrier Done us proud. She's making a cracking Ratting Dog.
  12. What type of Trap did you use for the Brick mate,i know for a load that need sorting out. Lol.
  13. Here's a pic of i Rat i caught this morning.
  14. red dog said he snared it. I snared it,but it was a snare i had off Red Dog.
  15. A pic of a Rat in a snare caught in my duck run yesterday.
  16. I'll be out with the Gelligaer Farmers
  17. salclalin


    8 Things a girl should say to her Man. 1 I'm bored lets shave my pussy. 2 Are sure i've had enough to drink. 3 That fart was great,do another one. 4 Of course i swallow, i love it. 5 No you drink beer and watch porn, i'll wash up. 6Just for a change put it in my Arse. 7 How about you ask that girl from work to join us?. 8 Marriage? No Way.
  18. I've got one,pretty good too
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