Yes they will Breed.I myself may Cross a Large Light Sussex Cockerel with a Light Sussex Bantam Hen this Year.My Mate Red Dog seen a couple of this type A few years ago and said they turned out Nice Birds.My Favourite Hen that i have is a Cross between a Large light Sussex cock and a Old English Bantam.
She goes Broody at least Three times a Year.As a matter of Fact she is now Sat on 4 Appleyard Duck eggs that i had given me yesterday.
nice one I am hoping one of my bantams will go broody as my friend has offered to give me duck eggs to hatch . is there anyway to encourage them to go b
Yes they will Breed.I myself may Cross a Large Light Sussex Cockerel with a Light Sussex Bantam Hen this Year.My Mate Red Dog seen a couple of this type A few years ago and said they turned out Nice Birds.My Favourite Hen that i have is a Cross between a Large light Sussex cock and a Old English Bantam.
She goes Broody at least Three times a Year.As a matter of Fact she is now Sat on 4 Appleyard Duck eggs that i had given me yesterday.
Sorry to Correct you Carraghsgem,But to get Gold-Tops you Have to Put a Gold Silkie Cock to a Light Sussex Hen.Gold to Silver.Any sex Linked Breeding needs a Gold cock to a Silver Rhode Island Red Cock to a Light Sussex Hen.Producing Brown Chicks(Pullets) White Chicks(Cocks)As for the Question do Light Sussex make good Broodies.Definitely.They are the Only Hens i Put Eggs under for Hatching.I use the Large Sussex and Light sussex Bantams.
Undoubtedly the Best Manager we Ever Had(Chelsea).In my Opinion he Will Grace the Premiership once Again but not at Chelsea,he Will Probably end up at Man Utd.
I got home from the Pub early one night to find my Stepson and his Mate Putting my Antique Gins on their Noses.(Weak Springs)They wanted to Try My Fenns on their Hands and Noses until i Showed them the Damage they could Do.