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Everything posted by salclalin

  1. Gutted for you Mate.I Recently lost my Old Lurcher Bitch(13yrs).So i know how you must be Feeling.
  2. Any Pest/Vermin once Caught must be Humanely Dispatched.It is Illegal to Release any Pest/Vermin.Be it Rabbit/Rat/Mink or Fox.
  3. A young Lad is Walking along the Road when a Car pulls up.The Driver says Get in the Car and i will Give you £5.00 and a Bag of Sweets.The young Lad Carries on Walking.Thirty yards up the Road the Car pulls up Again.The Driver says Get in the Car and i will give you £10.00 and a bag of Sweets.The young Lad Carries on Walking Again.Another thirty yards up the Road the Car pulls up Again.The Driver says get in the Car and i will Give you £20.00 and a Bag of Sweets.The young Lad stops and Says to the Driver.Feck off Dad,i'm not Going to Anfield to see that Shower of Shit.
  4. Just picked up my Local Paper.On the Front Page was a Story about an 83yr old Pensioner in His Mobility Scooter who was out with his Elderly Wire Haired Terrier When he Came Across two Fecking Morons who Set their Dogs(10 of them)onto the Old Gents Terrier.Sadly the Terrier Died a Horrific Death.Sadly the Police don't have a Very Good Description of the Morons.I walk my Lurcher that way Most Days.I just hope they come Across me and try to do the Same.
  5. My old Lurcher(Now Sadly Dead)Was the Best Dog in our Ratting Team.She was 26" tall and Killed thousand of Rats in Her Time.Her Daughter has just been introduced to Rats and is Coming along Nicely.She is 6yrs old but i Never bothered to enter her to Rats.It wasn't until i lost the Old Bitch that i Realised how Good she was on the Rats.I Hope her Daughter is Half as Good as She Was.
  6. The penny will Drop and she will Realise what it's all About.Some take Longer than Others.Have some Patience with the Pup.
  7. I spent all my Teenage years on A Farm and know unpredictable Cattle can Be.We had a Beef Herd so they wasn't to Bad.The Worst ones are the Dairy Breeds;I regulary Walk my Lurcher in the Fields by Me Which always has young Friesan Heifers in them.Most of the time they are Just Curious about the Dog.But i've had a Few Close Shaves with them.They are at their Worst when they are first Turned out in the Spring
  8. I had a Lurcher 20yrs ago who would Clear a 5 bar Gate with ease. If i sent him over one he would fly It,If i called him back over the Same Gate from the Other side he Would Run up to it and Stop and Whine.He did to every Gate he Encountered.Strange.
  9. Gutted for you Mate.I recently lost my Old Bitch.So i Know what you are Going through.
  10. I'd Buy a Cottage in The West of Ireland,and say sod it to the World.
  11. Class :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  12. Gutted for you Mate.I lost my Old Bitch Last week so i Know what your Going through.Nice Gesture from the Ratcatcher.I had Similar offers from Members on Here.A really Good bunch.
  13. TITCHY69 On here sells them Mate.
  14. Could be to much Protien in the Food.A Mate of mine was Giving his Dog De Bordeaux Pups 29% Protein in teir Food and Caused them to Have Bent Legs
  15. My Old Bitch Died today.She Carried Deerhound Blood.I Have her Daughter to Carry on With.If i Didn't I Wouldn't Hesitate in Getting Another Deerhound Cross.Go for it Mate.
  16. My Boy took His Mates Rottie Home One Day and it Cornered His Girlfriend and Young Son in the Kitchen.I told him that if the Dog wasn't gone By the Time i got up to His House i would Shoot the Dog and Give him a Damned good Hiding.Thankfully he Saw Sense.Hope the Little Girl Makes a Full Recovery.
  17. I Caught one 19" Long and entered it int the Competition.I Also caught A 20" Rat Last year.So a 2ft Rat could be Possible.
  18. A dog Pup that i Bred went to a Pet Home.But his Owner Couldn't stop him Pulling Deer and Foxes,So he had the Dog Castrated thinking it would Calm him Down.The dog is Still the Same.
  19. b*****d Rats Killed 7 Ten week old Chicks Last Night.War has been Declared.
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