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Everything posted by salclalin

  1. I can't see a black haired bloke with a beard without thinking of sutcliffe! I Had a Beard when Sutcliffe was doing his Crimes.Someone said i Looked Like him.It Soon came off.
  2. I Went out with a Girl Once Who Suffered from OCD.She liked to Have Sex Alphabetically.So first off we Had Anal,then a Blow Job then i Played with Her Clit.Then we Did it Doggy Style,then i said FGH.What's that she Said,I Replied Fecking Going Home.But you Missed out E She Said. No i Havn't I replied i've already Ejaculated
  3. Flying Brian and Jimmy The Boogie Woogie Man.
  4. My Cream Merle Bitch.Not The Best of Pics Though
  5. salclalin

    old films

    I Saw Cannibal Holocaust when it First Came Out.What a Fecking Scary Film that Was.
  6. I've seen three ghosts in my Life.On my 18th birthday my Father suffered Heart Attack and my Brother was Granted Compassionate leave from the Army.He had my Bed for the Night and i slept on the Sofa,About 3 O'clock in the Morning i Woke to See a Little old Lady Watching over Me.When i Described Her to My Auntie she Said it Was my Father's Mother.A Good mate of Mine was out walking His Terriers one Evening And Saw someone Walking Towards Him,His Terriers went Beserk But when he got to the Place where the Figure Was there was Nothing there.He Phoned me Straight away to Tell Me.He Was in one Hell
  7. No. http://tinyurl.com/3l5z63m Their ability to fly can be restricted on a temporary basis by cutting through their primary and secondary feathers on one wing just beyond the tips of their covert feathers (so the cut feathers are left a little longer). Don't do this until after their feathers are fully grown though as when they are growing feathers are supplied with blood and the duck may bleed. They look a little prettier if you leave two primary feathers at the tip of the wing whole. Any thing other than a 'natural' wing, so clipped or pinioned, will knock off show points. Altho
  8. If you are Going Lamping. Make sure its at Night. It Doesn't work so well in the Day. Where the Feck do they Come From.
  9. I Couldn't Believe what i was Seeing.I Was Fecking Seething.I hope that Gutless b*****d Wayne gets Whats coming to Him and the Rest of the Scum
  10. Sorry Paid but Warrens are not Rhode Island X Light Sussex.However RiRxLight Sussex are Excellent Layers.I have been Breeding my own Flock for the Last Couple of Years.This year myself and Red Dog are going to put A Leghorn x warren Cock to a couple of RiR X Light Sussex Pullets to see how they Lay.
  11. Is it Legal to Pinion Ducks Wings?.
  12. Welsh Game Fair.18th and 19th June.Gelli Aur Llandeilo.
  13. what became of it salclalin.hope he let it go again Not Sure about what Happened to it.
  14. Yes i Know Mate.Out of four Chicks(From 6 Eggs) i Have got three Pullets.Hopefully i will get to breed some More.Just Had another three Hens go Broody today.
  15. I Fast my Bitch once a Fortnight.
  16. I've got a Clutch of Light Sussex Bantams chicks.A clutch of Light Sussex X Rhode Island Red Chicks.A Turkey Hen was Hatching eggs when i Checked this Morning.I've also Got a Light Sussex Bantam on Turkey Eggs.Three Ducks on Eggs and Two Light Sussex Hens Down On eggs
  17. Quite a Few Sloworms around our Way.A mate actually caught an Albino Sloworm a Couple of Months Back.There is A Picture on Here Somewhere.
  18. salclalin


    If your Dog came Back with a Leg you could then Call your Dog a Legend
  19. Hi mate. When you play with her will she take her toys back to somewhere she feels safe,ie,her bed.If so,try sitting in her bed & then playing fom there.When she brings it back to her safe place, you will be there.Keep doing this until she gets the idea.Lots of praise when she gets it right.Just keep it fun & don't over do it.As has already been said.Not all dogs are natural retrievers & take more work & stronger bond & trust.Personally i think you are expecting a lot at 15 weeks. Good luck. Atb,Kev.
  20. Get hold of Some Gloster Hens.Best Feeders i've Ever Had
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