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Everything posted by salclalin

  1. Hell of a Task in front of you Mate.As Bendrover said try them Back with the Bitch
  2. Jammy Git.Seriously though whatever you Decide i hope it works out for you. Keep us Updated
  3. Heartfelt Sympathies to you Mate
  4. There is a Couple of Black ones and Ginger ones Around my Area.
  5. My old Lurcher died last year aged 13yrs.10Yrs ago i had a Terrier Bitch who was 19yrs old.
  6. salclalin

    new years eve

    I'll be stopping in on New Years Eve.Can't stand people wanting to shake your hand and Kiss you When they can't be Bothered to Talk to the Rest of the Year.False b*****ds.
  7. Jameson or Glenfiddich For me
  8. Funny thing that Mate,i was thinking the other day if Carl Williams was still Breeding GreyhoundxWhippets.Wasn't his Prefix "Bowline".And had a Dog called Ace?
  9. Roast Chicken/Cheese and Onion
  10. With you there all the Way Poacher.
  11. She hasn't got Blue eyes.There was another Cream Merle and a Blue Merle in the Litter.A Couple of Grey pups and one Brindle
  12. In my Opinion a Dog must have at Least the Basics.Retrieving/sitting /Staying/Jumping etc or the Dog is only Half the dog it Could be.Dogs are Pack animals and are Subservient to the Alpha Male(The Owner who should be the Alpha Male) So in my Opinion the dog doesn't do anything to please itself.Just my thought on the Subject.
  13. I'm thinking of getting a pup in the Spring.My bitch will be 8yrs old next year so i will be hoping to get a Replacement.Looking for a Deerhound/Greyhound xCollie /greyhound Type.
  14. I'd love some of that,Been a few years since i had some.Fancy sending some over
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