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About Niamhsam1

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  1. Any of you fellows be good enough to give a little advice. Only a newbie to catapults and was hoping to enter one of the UKCA catapult comps this year. At what sort of level would you need to be to compete not win but compete. As in what sort of score should you be hitting at home consistently.
  2. This is on my whippet he is 7 month old it's never bothered him don't know how he done it. Does any body know what it is it looks like a broken rib???
  3. It's same price mate. Have a few battery's that stand to nothing, so was just throwing them in with price.
  4. Cant get pics uploaded on here Email me if interested and I can send picture. Curlyqueen@hotmail.co.uk
  5. £100 with battery. postage too expensive. How do you put pics on?
  6. Have made a few lure machines anyone interested in purchasing?
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