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Everything posted by Nigel1

  1. Trying to upload pics from ipad but says file to big anyone no how to do it
  2. We'll met up with Charlie AKA diggermad decided to do a few warrens I arrived early so decided to glance up and down the field spotted a few around anyway Charlie turned up with sky lovely dog she marks the holes spot on Got to first warren netted up ferret in rabbit out Second warren netted up and decided to use Charlie's pole cat aka son of Bert, in goes Bert out with another rabbit then put my gill in now (if you look at my old threads I said this ferret retrieves and people laughed but laugh on ) out come my Jill dragging a big rabbit out Charlie seen it himself Next warren in with Be
  3. They must of had some contact with humans for example feeding cleaning they probe rely have been handled just not worked go take a look and see [BANNED TEXT] you think I'd imagine it will be just like training a young one but its older
  4. Well done nice pictures and looked like a great morning
  5. I have silvers and they are just a year old now they were taking large numbers of rabbits at 6 month a ferret is a ferret its how much you put in to them
  6. Well done mate hope you have a good season
  7. I own the deben mark 3m which only traces upto 16 ft down and the same away but a large bell on there collars usually works just as good if you loose them above ground
  8. The only reason I think is if they get lost and we all care about the little stinkers atb
  9. Yes some of us do microchip how much do u charge atb Yes some of us do microchip how much do YOU charge atb
  10. Cooked chicken vrs raw chicken Alpha vrs James well beloved Fresh rabbit vrs frozen rabbitt Raw egg vrs vitamins Just sat here board so thought I she what people prefer atb lads
  11. I'm made up you have give it a good home mate I was just saying before you get the kids attached to it just make sure as it happend to me a wile back and kids got upset when owner turned up t the door but made up you have took it in mate ATB
  12. Well done moxy atb glad to see some common seance on here
  13. Ever tried bluestone in eccleston atb
  14. Anyone lost a ferret from near we're you live I'd be gutted if I lost mine atb with it though
  15. You can get it from me or if you go westhoughton dog track and ask for Kevin brown he does all the dog food ferret food everything you need leads atb
  16. Hi Chris I give mine life aid mixed in with the water due to the heat we use it on belle vue with the greyhounds it stops them dehydrating and they love it atb how did you get on with the moss lodges matey
  17. Hi charlie Just been up kennels to feed dogs had a quick look at the field counted 7 black ones some small some big further down field at least twenty others no wonder he wants them clearing next week never got down to next fields but he has got an injured horse due to them so I said we will be down next week atb Charlie I'm ready but he has diggers on site lol
  18. I no what you mean [BANNED TEXT] but don't own a gun so fert is my only choice lol but god it wa hard today learnt loads of Charlie though like him a lot atb
  19. Was really hard dig that good job I wasn't fat lol bye the way if a farmer asks . you have to go like next week a farmer has asked me to clear a horse field for him so i I had a look last nite and counted 20 plus rabbits I have just got that permission what do you think he would say if I said sorry can you wait till sept he wud say f... O... And some 1 else wud gladly do it so don't judge ppl for ferreting at this time of year if a farmer asks But it was a good day out but warm and bye the way Charlie I want a pup off sky if ever she has one she brill not gets past here so see you next wee
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