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Everything posted by Malt

  1. That's supposed to be lucky! :11:
  2. Very funny, nothing better than getting one over on someone who thinks that they know it all!
  3. Two words 'OBLIGATE CARNIVORE' Try this link There is a reason why Ditch is so respected on here, and thats because he deals in FACTS.
  4. A fine hutch, it looks well built but it should be for that type of money. It's always nice to see a young person get involved in fieldsports instead of hanging round on the streets looking dodgy.
  5. Same here, raw all the way
  6. Signed. You can be sure that if this comes in in Scotland, the rest of the UK will follow. Where will this all end? They're talking about rod licence's for sea angling, licence's for airguns, before long we'll all have to fork out for a licence to break wind. (I'm not joking!)
  7. you could always go for a 3-9 X 40, I bought mine at a game fair as part of a package, but they were selling the scope only for around £30. Cracking scope though, i've seen the same one online for up to £50 but if you look around you should be able to get one cheaper. I'm not sure of the model number, but it's made by SMK.
  8. Don't worry about the apologys mate, i'm sure most of us have taken the same option at one time or another! (not me, of course! ) Just be carefull!
  9. Wouldn't we all LOVE to be able to blat 'em though, eh? Bloody nuisance they are, especally if you live by the sea like me. You can be sure that evry monday morning around 4-30 to 5, i'm going to be woke up by a flock of the f@*?ers fighting over a chicken leg that came from the bin of one of the daft sods by me, that don't cover their bins with a sheet. Bloody great big white b@*&?+ds marching up and down in front of my bedroom window, (about 10 yards) wearing their orange wellies, eating half a left over kebab that someone was too pissed to eat, without a care in the world. The shitehawk
  10. sorry mate, but I don't agree! I was always told that a seal will last longer when under pressure, it's just like leaving a buddy bottle on a PCP. As for leaks, I've heard that some people have had leak problems but on a personal note, I havn't suffered. Also the king ratty comes with scope rails (no need to buy special mounts), a metal breach, and a better bolt. It also produces more power.
  11. Crosman King ratcatcher. I've got one for the pests that frequent my garden and is fine for rabbits, IF you can get close enough. It's nice and light, easy to aim, accurate up to about 30 yards and has no re-coil. It also puts out around 10 ft/lbs. With a barrel off the rabbitstopper, i'm told the power inceases to around 11.5 ft/lbs. Not everyone will agree with me, but I personly think it would be an ideal starter rifle. NB if you're going to look at this rifle, look at the KING ratcatcher as it is a better gun than the standard Ratcatcher.
  12. chuck some bread out in your garden and blat some crows! Mine love the odd crow, feathers an all. If I was allowed to shoot the seagulls that rip our bins and nick my kids sarnies from them out the garden, i'd never have to leave the house to get food for my ferrets.
  13. Hi guys, does anybody know where I can get a stop valve to fit between my king ratcatcher and the airsource bottle? I found plenty of American sites on the net, but I cant seem to find one in the uk. I think i may be able to get one from a paintball site somewhere, but I dont want to fork out for something that wont fit as i'm not exactly sure what i'm looking for! And before anybody sugests getting a decent gun instead, I'm saving up for a s410, the ratty is just for keeping my back garden free of maggies, crows, rats etc until I have enough wedge! Any advice would be great.
  14. Cracking gun mate, go for it! My younger brother has got one, and I can't fault it. Light, accurate and a joy to use.
  15. Got a Jill, have had no probs, my hob does get a bit exited when play fighting though, but he does seem to calm down when she squeals at him. He seems happier now, although he still had plenty of 'ferret play' before as his brother lives a few doors away. My neighbor got 2 Jills from the same litter as me, so now when we let them out together in the garden it gets a bit manic! Thanks for the advice guys!
  16. Hi guys, I have a hob that is around 12-13 weeks old, and i am thinking of getting a younger Jill to go in with him. Has anyone had any problems doing this?
  17. b*****ds should be strung up by their balls.
  18. Nice one mate, the fewer of them stinking, flying rats about the better. Keep up the good work
  19. Malt

    Ferret box

    nice work mate. Good craftsmanship.
  20. cheers mate, just the answer i was looking for. I didn't think it would make much difference to the speed, just wanted to know if anyone had a definitive answer. :clapping:
  21. Many years ago when silencers started to become popular on airguns, i remember a debate of sorts that fitting a silencer to an airgun reduced the power. The issue just vanished, and since most people nowdays use silencers, the effect (if any) must have been negligiable. I'm just wandering if anybody knows a definitive answer on the subject, purely out of curiosity?
  22. My old man has still got a very old HK35e. It was the first gun i ever really got to use when i was younger. It's still more acurate than a lot of modern guns, on account of the long barrel and the lock on the break.
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