No man likes to have a deal, no cash he said so he reverse it when ferreting starts again some lads like to do that round my way each to their own atb Flacko
Can't beat agood little marker my old Colly grey 1st cross was class just sit next to hole as if you put her there looking at you as if to say c'mon he's in here rip Peggy
Tomo if you out your comfy zone on your midlands perm pass it on us Black Country men are used to all them tight edges and brambles lol wax coats and knee pads atb Flacko
Lot of good points on here most of the lads seem level headed not looking for quick cash to be honest be nice to see who does breed this year me for one would take a look at a couple if they go on general sale so keep us informed atb Flacko
Check a few traveller sites close by mate few lurcher men on them if dog wondering about chance one of them boys see it or pick it up some good lads down that way.
Good film Jim never met you but you know how to enjoy your sport, you right some of the younger lads will never see the days and nites of them times . Atb Flacko