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Everything posted by Flacko

  1. Great day mate cherish them with the young ones best days of your life.
  2. Any one used liquid plaster spray on minor cuts and grazes
  3. Dog lookin well mate with ground you covering 20lb off him he prob wear out what size and cross was his dam
  4. 55 but still think ime 25 have 4 sons from 14 to 29 still have a spar an try an train with them but to be honest ime fcukd
  5. Don't forget I asked first atb Flacko
  6. They should be crackers them mate ,can I have 1
  7. Molly looks a real nice bitch mate, hope you find what you lookin for.atb Flacko
  8. I know they say comfy but what's the fit like round the top ime a bit of a fussy Cnut were boots are concerned some of the other makes are a nightmare in the high fitting any suggestions will be a help
  9. Got a Jill here mate last years not done much handles well if its any help you welcome
  10. Great days to look back on cant beat them atb Flacko.
  11. Last jab today mate he's still a bit of a whinga but gettin better seems like ime doing all the rearing tho,thought I had got rid of my lot well 6 of them but they have turns movin back in still I don't mind keeps me on my toes. (The 6 being kids not dogs) lol.
  12. Lookin well decent litter pretty even should do a a job atb Flacko
  13. Warden witch talks shite,blind leading the blind not a clue non ov em
  14. Transit van short wheel base roof rack £
  15. They look a tidy litter mate you and the bitch given them a realy good start roll on 6 weeks
  16. Which stretch you thinking mate
  17. Gettin stronger everyday mate
  18. Hope there's Enough to go round mate
  19. Result you can't beat seeing young ones come on
  20. Bert was a good old stick he helped plenty lads out he'd take time with you if he thought you was genuine but didn't suffer fools he speak his mind and didn't pull his punches many lads from Black Country knew Bert an he was good company. An you right about his hands like shovels his terriers used to throw like a brown and blue mottle in them small and game don't know to anything like them about now shame GOD REST HIS SOUL
  21. You right cs to fine snipey and up on the leg bring back the little tykes atb Flacko
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