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Everything posted by skippy

  1. as i said on the other post nice draw dog but got to agree with steve mac if you see the damage done by wombats and know the time wasted when dogs enter wombat holes when hunting other game you would understand wombats tend to let dogs come over the top of them then stand up flex their muscles and crush/soffocate the dog against the roof of the tunnel
  2. fathom ime too old and too dumb to use a video ide love to be able cus i could make money from it and spend more time hunting instead of working in a factory i dont like to brag but my little dogs take fox one out daytime and find their own i hunt the western plains of nsw and the mountains around bathurst and the snowies(look it up ) we have had a drought for the last 7 years or so and the ground is rock hard we also have stoney paddocks and the dogs go well still doing the bis i never said i dont like collie types i said these dogs wernt %100 fox dogs hey silent h
  3. ive just watched this dvd (thanks staffman) i was bought up in the midlands in the 60s and 70s and have often told the lads here about the cracking fox dogs i had in the uk after watching this dvd was i surprised it seems the dogs now are worse than then if this is the best you blokes can offer after 30 plus years thank feck i came here it took 2 or more big heavy dogs to knock off poor old brer in almost every ocasion they were slow andcouldnt turn on a fecking freeway geeze but they were pretty PLEASE someone tell me these aint good representation of pommie foxdogs i owned a
  4. just recieved first 2 copies the content is great but vert disapointed not to see much on running dogs maybe its because we dont think of hounds as running dogs over here but still worth subscribing
  5. yer glen took him to vets today he confirmed it i had tried draining fluid over night but was just too much and there was a lot of blood in it so a clean up and drain tube from the vet a$250 bill and a bit of rest and all will be ok
  6. I was lucky enough to have the priveledge of seeing this grand old girl in action, she,s the real deal, a special dog, cheers thanks mr loth glad you enjoyed it by the way tigger is off work for a while he chased a fox into the scrub last night came back covered in claret and an upper rear leg about 4 times the normal size could only find a small puncture wound and a long scrape so guessing he ran into something
  7. my old girl mix of whip/bull/grey took all game in her day good fereting dog ver few injuries until the las couple of years but she is 9 year old nine and still going tel ya lads lurchers have some hearths when ya think about it mate this litle bitch was all heart she took on 60kg pigs big red hoppers and had staying power great around the kennels and as loyal as can be plenty quick enough for hares and rabits and a real hard dog on fox and feral cat
  8. my old girl mix of whip/bull/grey took all game in her day good fereting dog ver few injuries until the las couple of years but she is 9 year old
  9. theres a few over here used as pig dogs you should be able to find some pics on ozziedoggers web site
  10. better still ask his mom she was there
  11. i catch feral pork often and dont like to waste it some dogs get the runs when they first change to it but no real probs
  12. thanks for your help felas
  13. can anyone tell me if its possible to re barrel a 22.250 to 243 please thanks
  14. i missed something can some one tell me the title please
  15. nuce looking pup steve it would be a real shame if tigger paid a visit
  16. whippet x stag at 5 months hopeing he makes a rabbit/fox dog and the other 2 in the team
  17. my first x deer/grey takes everything from rabbit to roo excels on the lamp off the truck
  18. am i glad i left england the place as gone mad
  19. goodonya darren ignore these arrogant f435wits ask as many questions you want some of the decent folk on this site will be glad to help a youngster out half these blokes forget they had to learn and become over night experts and there is no prob keeping a lone ferret as long as you are prepared to spend time with it
  20. hellow tomo the real inglish sarnds mooa like this dunit r no o sin it an eard it on sbs
  21. teach em to bail and carry a good knife
  22. skippy


    an old mate in queensland used to run a line of stags with heavy wolfhound blood and they took dingo regularly old fellas dead now and his dogs gone mores the pity
  23. y put up with the pighead atitude of a bully the often dog aggression and lack of brains(or the use of brains)when a stag does it all without these probs
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