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About camplamper

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. of coarse you would say that every hare bulldozer runs is the real mcoy get a grip of yourself you getting free pups from jack for upin his dog keyboard coarser
  2. I am looking to buy a good pure saluki for lamping and daytime. Anybody know who is keeping the best lines
  3. I know for a litter, the guy is not advertising them but I can send you his number if you like he is in cumbria
  4. the robin hood in middlesborough now that was one rough tough boozer .if you couldnt fight like mike tyson .you were dead meat .you could get mugged in the bogs in that one
  5. you seem to be in the upper echelon of fools on here .in fact i would go so far as to predict your in the top five .in laymans terms .a simpleton
  6. it would take a psychiatrist to understand the patients on here
  7. Wont happen I tried and always had to wear gauntlets with it
  8. Good camera work mate I wish I could take pictures like that
  9. nice looking dog mate hope he goes ok for you
  10. chicken mince and dry food with 20% protien
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