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Everything posted by Celtichawk

  1. Hi all is anyone got any kits at a fair price.
  2. hi would you sell the collar and how much please
  3. Pet plan paid no problems,when I had to claim. now with Direct line due to cost, but will be changing next year as it has shot up this year.
  4. very nice looking litter, that's problem on this site these days people just jump on the band wagon. I believe if you got nothing positive to say don't say anything.
  5. sorry re read it and changed it, so hope it makes more sense.
  6. i know I dreaded doing this topic, its simple i just want a black one nothing to do with hunting, i will work it and willing to put the work into it so don't care if it comes from working stock or not. i just thought I would use the site resources but unfortunately there a down side. Some people take the topic in a total different direction, its a good thing not everyone is like this. so thanks to all the people that stick to the question i asked.
  7. this is more like what the site all about, thanks for the positive comments.
  8. like I said no crap a simple enough question yes you are right just my choice and I said nothing about working in the question or the topi would have read working black ferret / polecat. any more great comments wont have a response.
  9. Here we go, don't want crap read old topics, seen how its gone. So simple question as any one got any that they want to sell or having kits this year? also fair price if you talking stupid prices because how rare or special bread don't bother replying.
  10. this true with the Males, not like us men.
  11. Hi all with our great weather today is the show going ahead?
  12. Why you selling mate if you dont mind us asking and have you got any pictures?
  13. sorry forgot to say thank you to all involved in organising the show.
  14. great day out, fair play it was a good day look forward to next year.
  15. love the comments, cant agree more, like everyone else wondered were it was too, gutted got two wait.
  16. Very impressive there what’s the weight on the bird looks a killer on the arm?
  17. Hi mate hope you haven't forgotten me for the albinos.
  18. good update, enjoy it, how they looking now (cant wait)
  19. Hi there, if you want to PM me with price that be great
  20. good stuff, what sort of price we looking at?
  21. Great result, what are the parents like? How many do you think that you be getting rid off?
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