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Everything posted by hunter100t

  1. Love the sound of this ! would it still work on a steel barrel for instance ? You do know the hw's trigger guard is alloy ? atb phil
  2. You could put delrin rings at the back of the spring, this aid's smooth release of spring and potentially preserve the spring. custom kits use them, also a delrin spring guide. atb phil
  3. Thats just about on the speed of sound, Had an fac years ago, but never known one to be over 26 ftlb. Are you sure you calculated it right, and your chrono is working as it should, Because its impossible for that gun at that power without some serious dieseling going on, and if thats the case the rifle could be damaged beyond repair eg, bulged action and so on. food for thought. atb phil
  4. Yep, and theres nothing stopping you taking it with you on a session, hunt/plink to your hearts content ! atb phil
  5. Very nice, I see you have decorated it, put a small wood burner in for those winter days ! atb phil
  6. Sounds like a good farm, even though they are strange. maybe its best not to let them know what you are doing, pick your spot, few deeks, natural hide not a net or pull up, use stealth to hide from the crazies ! you might have a day of it that way. Blimey, its like we are talking about the hills have eyes or something lol Good luck mate. atb phil
  7. You can get them regged, you have heard of tench ? his regs are brilliant, well worth the extra. atb phil
  8. I have equestrian fields like that, when there out in this good weather, I can move in to the stable block for the rats. The horsey people love it, I aim to please. atb phil
  9. There you go back on track again, ( but WE were never off it ) Fry is right, a cracking little rifle, Ideal for the job, Though you still may want to consider flat heads if you dont want to put holes in the roof without a back stop. atb phil
  10. Yep 40 pigeons is a good number, Engraver, Its best to find out just what the plan is for the day as far as work on the farm goes, so you can avoid another situation like that, very odd behaviour on the farmers parts i must say, maybe it was a one time deal in the sheds and they are sending you a message in thier strange way ? Either way i would have to talk to them about it. Wonder if they look at this forum... atb phil
  11. Geoff, I shot a pigeon once inside a barn, It was a straight up shot at 9 to 10 yrds, It went through the pigeons head and the oldish galvonised tin roof, that was 11.6 ftlb. So there are a lot of variables to consider, I doubt it would have gone through at a longer range, but then it would depend on the state of the roof. On the other hand my fac's have been in barn situations with suitable ammo, and thats where the back stop we were talking about comes in. As far as busted goes, You stated we were off topic, I then showed you we were not, Its a slang term nothing more, No need to get upset
  12. He's a good lad, be careful matt, he might get better at it than you ! atb phil
  13. Oh go on then, if you insist on giving us realy nice crisp images lol. atb phil
  14. Pump is ok in the short term mate, but you might want to get a bottle later on. nearly popped my eyeballs once with a pump when i was out with a mate, pumping up a little brocock that we were reviewing on his u tube channel ! light headed, you could have pushed me over with your finger lol, atb phil
  15. Nice bag with the HW, A good read, Going out myself in an hour for some early morning savagery. atb phil
  16. well shot, keep on with he rats though. atb phil
  17. haha ,, there are plenty more where they came from ,, gotta make the most of what ya got as i have no permissions haha Permissions come in all shapes and sizes, from gardens to acres of cereal land, the thing is to just enjoy what you have, some of my smaller permissions are the most enjoyable, one of my most visited is a small 70mtr square paddock with a hawthorn hedge round it, there must be kilo's of chipped off paint plinked from my knock down targets deposited on it, its just a nice quiet place to be, and I can park my car behind me to fill my guns from my bottle, or listen to a
  18. Good shootng mate, bet the farmer wasvery pleased with that tidy little outcome ! Its nice when you service your gun and it does the buisness like that, do you know what i mean. atb phil
  19. Is it off topic geoff, You opened by mentioning your hole in roof problem, and that was discussed along with the hold over of a .177 pellet. atb phil
  20. Made some sticks once using castration rings that are used on bullocks. smooth notches carved in to the sticks at varying distances for the rings ( I used two ) to sit in, It was very effective. Good bag stuart, well done. atb phil
  21. With the Knowledge gained from owning these guns of varying power, you should have known that switching to a flat head even at 26 ftlb would have sorted your problem with holes in the roof. yet your asking the questions, you dont like the answers, you have had a huge amount of guns, we are all impressed, but you still dont know...Seems the simple workings of air rifles has got you mystified ! !
  22. Well shot al, decent sized rodent you have there ! your on to a winning formula, Remember what you learn and even the mistakes will teach you something. Good groups by the way. atb phil
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