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Everything posted by hunter100t

  1. Good shooting guys, Well done ! atb phil
  2. Use some good fieldcraft kevmac, and you should do ok, perhaps a few makeshift hides dotted about in populated areas built from natural stuff thats lying about, they soon get used to them being there, then just sit and wait ! atb phil
  3. Sorry to hear you have sold up barnze, I said to pm me if you wanted tag along, As said earlier it dont cost anything to keep your stuff, you have already paid for it. Till next time then barnze. atb phil
  4. Gas man, your just a tree hugger any way tb phil
  5. 8.5 ftlb is great if you want your quarry to hear it coming before it is half way, on the other hand, you could make sure they dont by keeping your rifle somewhere near the legal limit, thus ensuring a clean kill and not wounding the animal. or if you dont want the recoil, get it tuned near the limit, or get a pre-charge. lowering your power to not far above pistol limits is not the answer. atb phil
  6. Davy, whats the weight of em in .177, cheers in advance. atb phil
  7. I get between 165 and 170 with a standard HW100, Best thing i ever bought for it ! atb phil
  8. Cheers stuart, have been thinking more and more of late to going down the heavy road in .177. will give them a go and see how they compare. atb phil
  9. You dont need to thank us si, We thank you for bringing us these great videos, and the time you and davey put in to make them. So THANKS MATE. atb phil
  10. He will have to live with it mate, you are doing nothing wrong. there is allways one, shame really but you keep doing your thing kruby. atb phil
  11. Yes i know they do, I was refering to his comment on distance, 8 feet at 11.9 say, and then 3 or 4 inches, his rifle would be over. atb phil
  12. Have i got to wait till the morning, by eck si, this is not on ok if i must, later. atb phil
  13. The police wouldent measure it that far away and you could get into trouble if your rifle is just under, I do mine using a shooting chrony from a few inches. atb phil
  14. I would be exactly the same lol
  15. This is why i ring the police when i go on a new permmision, the cranks/concerned caller, are told every thing is as it should be by the police, and no law is being broken. no further action. anti's are deflated straight away and anything they do, could be braking the law ! and that puts the ball firmly in your court as far as the law is concerned. Happy you have sorted it, any more calls from this anti will be put down as "nuisance" by the police. A definate win for us hunter's, well done and well shot, pity you could not retrieve it atb phil
  16. Si, no video, whats going on, I put the kettle on, got you tube up and nothing, no new uploads ! Was there a problem with the upload mate and if so, when ? atb phil
  17. Glad that you are happy with it, things will only get better i'm sure. atb phil
  18. Nice outing mole, Good job you kept those pellets. atb phil
  19. I hear what you are saying dean. Of coarse you dont have to do anything with them at all, it is vermin control after all said and done, so at least your dog gets the benefit of them then, sorted. atb phil
  20. As aaron says above. Nice shooting gary ! The 100 did its job. atb phil
  21. Well shot ! Can't make out the tin, what are they ? atb phil
  22. Never realy clean barrel either, moxy is spot on with the head f++k, If you start going down that route your in danger of becoming all anal like, like ft/hft round my way, maybe the same every where, who knows. Ive got a 21 year old HW thats never had a barrel brush, only pull through once a year, and its just as accurate as week one ! Good luck. atb phil
  23. Glad its sorted steve, Remember, wax on, wax off atb phil
  24. This is some thread steve, thought i had somehow got access to another comical plot of suspence and intrigue from east enders ! But it turned out to be very sad at the end, because this is reality, or is it ? Did i hear right that you have sent your rifle back to tony for a de-tune since the last time i saw you ? Edit. to turn power down. atb phil
  25. Yes well done mate, mixy had plagued one of my permissions last year, but so far touch wood, nothing as yet ! You could allways eat them yourself in a curry form if your a bit fussy. atb phil
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