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Everything posted by Colin-_-Mac

  1. Thanks and i will buy that locator if you have one mate
  2. I am looking for a ferret locator and collar..Which would be the best to get and wheres the cheapest i would get one ?
  3. I am looking for a ferret locator and collar..Which one would be the best to get and do anyone know any sites i can olrder 1 off that wont cost too much
  4. Any advice or tips on ferreting would be much appreciated.
  5. Ya im getting a locator and collar this week and have to get some nets aswell
  6. No bother thanks.Il pm ya their sure.. Cheers lads
  7. Any advice on ferreting ?

    1. Colin-_-Mac
    2. scothunter


      dontsmoke around warrens,or stamp about on top of them.be quiet.reduces lie ups.and be patient dont think after 2mins that the burrow is empty

    3. Colin-_-Mac
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Looks like a good day ferreting some good pics
  9. My name is colin and i got a ferret off of my dads friend.Its the first pet i have.He said she is bred for bolting and is a young ferret.He also said she was never brought out.So i b rought her out 3 times.The first time i brought her out she was going down burrows and travelling a bit but nothing bolted. The second time she bolted 3 rabbits and the third time she bolted 4 rabbits and was locked on 1 of them outside a burrow. I was only using collar and bella aswell and im after loosing two collars and two lots of bells.She always gets them off no matter how tight i put them on. But the three
  10. My name is colin i got a ferret off of one of my dads friends he said she is a young ferret and was never brought out. She is bred for bolting and a polecat and greyhound cross. I took her out three times with collar and bells. the first time i brought her out she started travelling burrows but nothing bolted.The second time she bolted 3 rabbits and the third time she bolted four rabbits and was locked on 1 of them outside a burrow.I had no nets or anything i just wanted to see what way she was.I am now goin getting a ferret locator and collar and nets.Any ideas which nets would be the best an
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