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Rhys Williams

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About Rhys Williams

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 12/10/1990

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  1. That's a good find of a picture. It does look like a quickset! On Brian brindeds website it says "so after some serious trial and error he developed the quickset long net". And I remember in the show him mentioning this as well.
  2. Ideal thanks I'll have a search for him. Thanks for the replies.
  3. I think it was Brian Brinded after looking on his website. Thanks!
  4. If I understood the father doing the demo in the ring he developed the quick set net. I don't know if it makes a difference but the first and last poles are white? Don't know if they all have that or it's just there nets.
  5. Were you selling long nets as a father son combo? As I'm after a few more nets but have lost the card. The father was doing demonstrations in the ring. Thanks
  6. I bought a long net in the midland game fair and want to buy more to fill the basket. But I've lost the card I was given with their details. They had a small stall just selling long nets a father and son company and the father was doing talks in the ring about ferreting and displays on setting up traditional and quick set long nets. Any info would be great as I want to buy more nets. Sorry about the lack of info. Thanks
  7. I've put him back with his brother last night after a few minutes of rolling they settled down. By this evening I can do whatever I want to him again doesn't even turn his head to try. Thanks to everyone for the advice
  8. Ah ok thanks. I'll try them back together tomorrow. See if he settles then. Thanks
  9. I've had my hob for 6 months and he has been brilliant to handle. But the last month he's been trying me when I pick him up. But tonight he got really aggressive when I was cleaning out his cage. He's in a cage on his own due to being in season and as he's double the size of his brother was doing a bit of damage on the poor hobs head. Would this behaviour be down to being bored and lonely? I've nearly finished much bigger cages where they can have things to amuse themselves. And have a communal area for the winter when they are quieter. Any advice would be good thank you.
  10. Fixed the problem. Found a guide of how to strip down the firing assembly and found that the small pin that gets struck by the hammer to release air had come out and was stopping the bolt from going all the way in. Also for some reason the end cap was causing the housing around the bolt assembly to go tight and jam. Sorted them two things. Also I found a way of emptying the tank but dangerous and wouldn't recommend to ANYONE! Thanks for the advice
  11. I'll have a look on the fx forums. Didn't buy it from a shop, bought off a friend thanks for the replies
  12. Yeah it did shoot. It may be to much air because it shows slightly over 200 bar. How can I let out some pressure? Thanks
  13. Hi I just bought a webley fx 2000 in.22 calibre. I've had around 50 shots and the gun worked great sighted in great with good grouping. I filled it last night ready to use tonight, but the bolt will cock back but not go all the way forward to lock down. If I hold it forward the gun will click but no air or anything. Pellet just stays in the barrel. The bolt seems like it's hitting against something but barrel is clear. Anyone got any ideas? Hope this makes sense thanks
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