lightforce 240 blitz and red filter the lamp has the dimmer dail on the handle which are the best and not made no more used twice £100 posted
kl fibreglass triple ferret carry box in green used 2-3 times £60 posted
about 40 purse nets with pegs there 6z & 10z and a few spun poly £50 posted
ferreting probe £15 posted
lightforce 240 red filter £10 posted
6v deben compact gun lamp with all wiring £15 posted
as above in arden blue must have mot, tax, fsh,and no more than 85000 miles on it cash waiting must be around liverpool on within an 1hr -1hr 1/2 from liverpool as i will be getting the boat or scotland as long as its within an 1hr -1hr1/2 from boat
wanting a VAUXHALL ZAFIRA gsi turbo in arden blue must have mot & tax fsh up to £2500 for 1 pm me if you have 1 for sale im in northern ireland but will travel to mainland for right 1
im needing a new battery and saw the tracer lifepo4 batterys that deben do has any one got 1 what are they like compered to the tracer lithium 1s ? its just the lithium 1s are 300 charge cycles and after that the battery will only be 70% where the lifepo4 are 1400 charge cycles before there 70% plus there 100% waterproof both say there 1/4 weight of lead acid battery there a bit more in price but thought they might be worth a go if there as light ?
them yanks are not right in the head what about ur man thats scared of the dark and sleeps with bed light on and the f***ing age of him but they do have some good hunting would love a few days at the rat b*****ds
took a mates wee brother out lamping and the whole night he kept asking can i try lamping well went to a spot that had old ruins that was used in the old days by monks and i said to him take the lamp and check them few fields while i turn the car round and get the dogs out well out he got and me and the mate turned the car round and shouted out the window run theres paddy the preist and floored it he run like f**k after the car screamin he didnt stop running till we stopped the car about 1/2 mile down the road me and the mate was in fits laughing he never asked to lamp again the rest of the ni
rabbit control book
complete guide to ferrets
ferreting for the future( signed copy)
lightforce 240 red filter
game carrier
end cap for lightforce lamp handle
swap for something ferreting or why
the gypos have been round may way portaferry co down for the last few weeks selling shit u cant settel when the c**ts are about but i no 1 thing they may shoot me cause they arnt getting my dogs sick of telling them to f**k of cause they wont take no for an answer
does any of u lads no what day & time to go to drumbo greyhound track for the meat and can u get bales of shredded paper bedding at it ? whats the prices like for meat and bedding
thanks for the info lads im gona get a chat with the fella near me and see if he will take me under his wing for a season or 2 and in the mean time do my homework on them because the last thing i want is to buy a hawk and not know what im doing ive plenty of land to hunt it on so that is not a problem but i want to make sure i no want im at for the birds wellfare is want matters
hi im wanting to get a harris hawk but before i do i want to no all there is to no about keeping them and whats involed with owning 1 is there any good books dvds websites etc that i could get to learn what i need to know theres a fella near me that breeds them and i was going to see if i could do a deal that he sells me a bird and mentors me any info would be great