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Everything posted by Pesty

  1. I think with a petrol smoker its the noise as much as anything, but that is why i got a rat smoker and can say it works for us especially after a hangover.
  2. Ok point taken no its not rubbish and it is what it is a homemade version, and perhaps I over reacted but when you see somebody’s idea taken and ripped apart for coming up with a good idea rattles me as we see it happen so often. Anyhow just been and checked on the bottle I have and for your information the fluid supplied with the Mk2 is Product Code SFNF10 and clearly states that it is none flammable and none hazardous.
  3. No I do not work for them but have used Arthur Carter for years from when it was based in Cornwall, they have always served their customers very well. I can remember when people started to clone the Mk1 Deben ferret finders that are a simple devise it did not stop Deben from stopping replicas being replicated.
  4. Been watching this thread with interest as I bought a Rat Attack smoker Mk2, but must say I am disappointed with your results. It may have cost you thirty quid but I can see why. All you have done is make a flame thrower that could not be used unless you are an arsonist. You say your unit is the same as the Arthur carter unit! Well owning one I can tell you its not. Also I think they stress not use any flammable fluid in it, well we can see why. Yes the unit is a £100 but I paid £75 for a plastic lamp that I think expensive but you pay for what you get. The thing that has annoyed me more tha
  5. I have been useing the Rat Attack Smoker for several years with great success, so when i heard they have launched a new one I was straight on to them. I must say that my first impressions of the unit are very good. Definatly a better built peice of kit than my existing unit. It uses a different smoke fluid to the old type that is a none flamable unlike the old stuff that would occasionally ignite if you were fireing it down a blind hole without the extention tube. I had a little play with the new one on a local farms dung heap that had rats living in it and they definatly bolted better and wer
  6. I see they now do this as an online version with an option for a full shoot managment system as well. checked it out and it works really well with all the reporting you could need. www.myshootmanager and www.verminmanager.co.uk
  7. Came across this on the Shoot Right website and thought it might be of interest to others. It’s an online database for keeping all your vermin records. I have started entering all my data a from my note book. It works really well and allows you to create reports for exporting. http://www.shootright.co.uk/vm/login.asp
  8. I have one bought it at the norwich show from Arthur Carters field sports and can tell you its ace. I had a problem with a blow back but realised I was blowing down a blind hole, not serious. takes a little getting the hang of but puts the noisy chain saw out of buisness. I to looked into the USA and found it but also found the shipping cost I have been useing a peice of about a meter long plastic alkathean pipe and use it to shoot the smoke down the holes and it makes it better to use.
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