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Everything posted by jennym

  1. Its a swingletree, still used today. It stops the horses chest getting rubbed and sore as the swingletree take the movement rather than collar or breastplate sliding backwards and forwards.
  2. Just go out and do what you and your dog enjoy. Nope 2 is not too old
  3. Dont let it get to a situation where he can get away with it this young. take him out on a long line and re-install the NO command, nevermind stop whistle. Just enjoy him being a baby, stick to basics and get him well socialised/stock proof etc. Biggest thing to concentrate on is NO and recall. Dont be afraid to give him a shake if he cocks up as he will, hes young and daft, just train for success the now, more serious stuff can be next year.
  4. When you do start putting them together again do it in stages, cages right together, let them out together somewhere neutral to start with. I had bother getting my last jill kit in with my other 2 jills, the older ones were ok it was the kit in this case that was starting it, a viscious. wee brat, came right eventually but a tense time for a while lol
  5. I did wonder about an antihistimine as i know you can give it for wasp stings. Wasnt sure if ok for.nettle.stings. Do you happen to know the dosage per 10kg?
  6. If we're talking about the same bloke from cumbria he has actually passed away. The guy i am thinking of favoured pointer through his lurchers and ran them with the local hounds, we actually have one of his dogs, they were rehomed when he passed away as there were too many for his widow to look after. Braw dogs. we put the bitch to a coursing greyhound and i have one of the pups and he is shaping up well although the pointer element appears to lend an air of defiance/attitude already at less than a yr old but i like that in a dog. Apologies if not the same guy but i suspect it is.
  7. Couple of my dogs are having bother with itchy feet, think its the new nettles coming through. Any reccomendations for treatment? I have been pondering bathing feet in salty water or maybe rubbing in sting relief cream?
  8. Hi, I'm looking for 2 sets of puppy vaccinations and possibly some adult boosters if anyone has any or can suggest where I can get them? Please PM me details. Cheers
  9. I've heard beddy/whippets are more vocal than beddy/greyhounds, not sure if this is true. I'd opt for collie greyhound but its more what you like in a dog. Very few dogs are born vicious, all to do with the upbringing and training.
  10. Hi, What brand is it and is there a style/model name on it?
  11. Morning, My name is Jenny. Had a look on the site last night, decided I would register this morning and here I am Do a lot of beating and picking up with my 3 spaniels and 1 lab. Got 3 jill ferrets, haven't done a lot of ferreting for a while but hoping to get out and about bit more this year. Well once the 3ft snow drifts have melted maybe. Do a bit of shooting, just rough walked up on permission I have, not particularly good shot but I enjoy it. Thats it really. Unemployed at the moment (hence 72 shoot days out since 12th Aug ;-P). Finished 10 yr sentence in an office jo
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