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Everything posted by jennym

  1. Yeah I usually shoot 28grams through 12G, no need for anything heavier cos if I'm on target I'm on target. I go down to a 24gram if I go to clays, same reason.
  2. depending on which one then yes, lanber ect are i believe on a 12g frame, the idea of a 20 is a lighter gun yet i see people using 34g carts, kinda defeats the object I've seen that a lot Paulus then they moan cos they've got sore shoulder, muppets! I started on a 12G (Lanber Sporter, it was light mounting a fence stab to my shoulder lol), went on to a 20G (Browning Citori) and then back onto a 12G again (Lincoln Premier Gold, fab gun) which is actually lighter than the 20 I had lol. But yes the fact the 20 cartridges are dearer irritated me and also by going back to a 12G I can
  3. Sounds like he's maybe been licking the sticky mouse papers, what a fud! Some people genuinely are that stupid though, gotta laugh lol.
  4. brilliant, how far apart are your traps or do you just set them in likely places no matter the distance, have you ever caught squirrels in them? Not a lot of squirrels up where I am. No set distance between them, just likely spots. I've got a line on a fenceline which is 3 fields, not same size, 9 traps on it, couple are on the end of wall where another fenceline comes down to meet it at 90degree angle. Don't get caught up on putting one every say 100yds. The line I'm referring to the now weren't all put out at same time, its an ongoing operation.
  5. thats a good few traps wish i had the money for them You can start small and build up, you don't need 50 to start. Put 1/2 dozen out, go from there.
  6. If you had a prob in one area, say round chicken run or a pen, you'd set them round the perimeter or on a run coming down the wall, fence line. I check lines of traps, got them saved as GPS points on Garmin handheld, different route each day. You can check a line of traps and have nowt, then next day if you've got a litter of stoats, you can catch couple a day til you get rid. If I catch one I'll check if its male or female, if its a female then you've not only got rid of one, you've got rid of the litters she'd have had as well. We've got couple of box traps set in garden as well for
  7. jennym

    Rolf Harris

    nice to see you, to see you ,nice the mind boggles Aye your right, wouldn't surprise me!
  8. jennym

    Rolf Harris

    I've been winding up my granny about Bruce Forsyth being implicated as she loves him. Very cruel but quite funny Bruce Forsyth is a havering old git anyway, did my head in on Strictly, I had to tape it so I could skip through his sh1te slavering crap jokes, painful viewing
  9. jennym

    Rolf Harris

    You's are right though, just wonder who's going to be implicated next. Its the brazen way they got away with it, as I say gives me the creeps. And people tell me I'm antisocial as I often prefer the company of my dogs to the human race when there is this kind of scum and all the other ones you hear about in the news, is it any wonder!!
  10. jennym

    Rolf Harris

    can you tell what it is yet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,takes on a whole new meaning Lol thats terrible!! :-D
  11. Just watching news about him now, looks a creepy fecker. Referred to as "the octopus" for the way his hands used to wander?! 7 yr and 13yr old girls mentioned, WTF
  12. What about cod liver oil? Thats what I give the dogs if they are bit bunged up with tripe. How is she now?
  13. Smashing pics, interesting topic. I usually just use terriers for the rats so interesting to read and see other methods
  14. I've heard that from couple of shoots neighbouring to me as well, really annoying Just need to keep moving the larsens (well assuming your still using wee ones, big ones not so easy
  15. He's either very brave or very stupid, hope she's not on this forum or he's in for a battering nevermind a stuffing! lol
  16. Lol my question appears to have caused a light hearted forum brawl, I'm getting plenty setups/info so all good for me Alas I have to get my wee van through its MOT before I can turn my sticky little paws to air rifle shopping but gives me time to do some research Cheers guys Jenny
  17. Braw looking pups. If my young dog was bit older I'd be sorely tempted. All the best Jenny
  18. To be fair I thought he was on about the aftershave to start with as well. Prob to classy a product for the likes that frequent this forum though
  19. That is very weird but nice story too since its got a happy ending. 13 is a massive litter I think? Glad your jill is OK
  20. im in the borders Lol we may be neighbours then
  21. Hi Ross, Have a look at this re the legal stuff, keep you right. http://basc.org.uk/cop/trapping-pest-mammals/ I would imagine would be hard for someone to make recommendations for siting traps without seeing the ground. Whereabouts are you? Maybe there is someone local to you that could come and give you a hand first time til you get going? Cheers Jenny
  22. 30min slot?? Cuddling too? lol pmsl
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