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Arabian Moon

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About Arabian Moon

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. This is just what i was going to sudgest, I became freinds with a farmer that builds farm fence's and plants new hedges for other farmers, and he gets me a fair bit of ferreting permission, and after a wile, will ask for lamping. he even got me permission from a very well known member of parliment lol.
  2. I have access to 3 of them, the others are owned by myself. No prizes for where the PM come from, the chap who's dog runs off into the distant out of sight, but somehow manages to have a run on summat nearly every night, but how the bloke knows this when he cant even see his dog most of the time beats me. Maybe he should keep to his gun, but then again, 7 shots on a fox @ 30 meters and 7 misses, maybe not!
  3. well i think its a stupid idea.....but each to there own,arabian moon do you actualy do any hunting of any sort,what dogs have you got and what do you work them on. Well, yes i do, otherwise, i wouldnt be on here would i DUURRRRRRRRRRRR I have the 4 dogs in the picture at the bottom (not the collie on the left of picture) Deerhound/Grey- collie/grey, Bullcross, 2 x Saluki/Whippet, and 2 Jack Russells, and 5 Ferrets, and they work everything, Before the ban that is PS, and i suppose you hunt with a cat as your username suddgests
  4. I think it's a good idea, just break it up a bit and make sure it aint got any ticks in it. put it just outside their nest box and see if they drag it in. Ladycat, that was a bit sarcastic of you to reply like that to a newbi !!
  5. I think thats it mate, I'm going along with Badger, the sculls are both identicle
  6. The farmer recons it could be Badger, But in all the time i've been Lamping the land, i have never seen one. I recon that what ever it is, it may have been brough into the field by fox or large bird of prey, there is no fur or legs laying around to sudgest it was killed in the field. I also thought it could be a Bull Terrier, But it is a long way off from any road or houseing.
  7. I dont think the nose is long enough for fox, + the teeth dont look right.
  8. About trhe size of a Terrier.
  9. I found this skeleton out in the field over the weekend, do any of you have any idea what it might be?
  10. On another site I visit about Jack Russells (Pets lol) based in America, someone has put this picture up of a so called Shepheard/Labrador cross for rehomeing. I cant see Labrador in it, What are your opinions?????????
  11. Story written: 11 February 2009 The Government has announced a lifting of the ban on hunting with hounds, just five years after it's much-vaunted Hunting Act was introduced. In an Early Day Motion tabled today by Chancellor Alistair Slugbalancer, the Government is to reintroduce the hunting of bankers under licenced and controlled conditions. Mr Slugbalancer said, "everyone knows that we shouldn't hunt foxes because they're lovely, bright-eyed, gentle and pretty little creatures who never harm anything and who live an organic, vegan existence and never slaughter every chicken
  12. Well, the bloke that started it all off on the radio said, "They drive over the fields lamping night and DAY, They chase and run the deer over and leave them to die in agony with broken legs" The presenter was calling them scum, and kicking up quite a fuss about it. The bloke said " If anyone comes accross anyone up to no good in the fields, they are to pretend to be freindly and find out where their vehicle is, and then take the reg number and call the police because the vehicle would more than likly be linked to other crimes" Yes, this bloke hasnt realy got a clue about what he's saying, b
  13. Theres been a lot on radio oxford recently, and i last heard it again tonight, just thought i'd bring it to the attention of all that work this area. link bellow http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/oxfordshire/7686440.stm
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