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Everything posted by Bleutoby

  1. Yes mate had a shoot of one on sunday and it was lovely.ye its gotta be 177 will have a look on there thankyou
  2. As above am after a rapid in .177 must be mint
  3. I will take this please would you do 30posted
  4. Ive still got the older dog but bleu died last nyt
  5. R I P my little boy.loved you from the moment you were born such
  6. I Walk the pup with my lab every day and is fine when no one around but when he sees some one he cowers behind me n try's to pull away will not walk with me.so have tried walking round the parks with him on his own with people about to try and get him used to them and is scared like mad for some reason has anyone ever experienced this.he is only 5 months old
  7. Haha really enjoyed myself apart from being froze
  8. Would you take an aa s400 .177 in px with some cash your way.
  9. Went out lamping thursday night with bird(ray) and john for the 1st time.went too watch and see how the dogs behave amd to watch how john uses his lamp and what can i say we had an excellent night apart from the weather.started off good then as the night pursued john lamp started playing up so headed back to the car with 7 rabbits all in all a good experience for me cant wait to run my dog when hes old enough.ray can you post the picture up dont know how to transfer it from my pm
  10. That's my boy well done buck hopefully bleu will be learning soon.will ring you later Ray after I've sorted things atb
  11. That's my boy well done buck hopefully bleu will be learning soon.will ring you later Ray after I've sorted things atb
  12. Took him and vet said that he got an infection in the wound which has spread and its bought on enphasimia.got a course of anti biotics and got atake bk friday and if no better hes got yo have an op the poor little boy
  13. Emergency vet time am on way there now will let you know how the little boy gets on
  14. Have just checked the dog whilst he asleep lying down and his leg doesnt look swollen but feels weird it feels really fluidy n bubbly
  15. Have checked the wound today and the hole does seem abit smaller but the whole area is abit swollen.is this normal and should i seen a vet or should i leave this a while and monitor it.the dog seems fine him self bounding round n jumpin but still has a tiny bit of a limp
  16. Cheers paulus for the reply will bathe it often through the day then and keep applying the savlon.im going to get some antiseptic powder today which they use on horses which is suposed to be shit hot
  17. Took my dog yesterday for a run over the fields and he jumped a barbed fence and didnt quiet make it and has cut all under side of his belly and there seems to be a puncture wound in the crevis of his back leg and hes limping.i have bathed and cleaned the wound with sterile liquid and have put some savlon on to fight infection.is there anything else i should do
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