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Everything posted by Jaggsy

  1. For sale Sako Finnfire Varmint, this is an extremely accurate rifle, the barrel has been shortened to 16" and re-crowned, it has been looked after and in good condition. Comes with 10 shot mag and gun case. £500
  2. I dont entirely agree with that Stubbs me old mate, as you know i dispatch quite a few foxes in town and this conversation comes up quite often, there IS a void or a vacuum created when you remove a certain problem species but there isn't a massive queue wating to fill it... natural territorial expansion is a factor but as a case in point i've removed foxes (for example) from gardens and land in London and they've never had a problem since. Also i think its worth mentioning that some of us are in this business (pest control/wildlife masnagement) to earn a living and and its our main line
  3. There's always a bunch of ill informed idiots somewhere just waiting to protest about something they know little or nothing about.
  4. "It is not in violation of a firearms licence to shoot vermin at night on private property, therefore no further action is being taken" Burglarsand Muggers watch out this officer has just has just given me the go ahead
  5. Brand new Bisley cleaning kit unopened £15 A meter square of 'faceveil' netting in realtree £5
  6. Absolutely you can i do it all the time, also talk to 'Pest-Go' on here.
  7. PMSL @ that! Andrew you've seen me on the range then (How are things mate)
  8. I'm in central London quite a bit with regard to shooting foxes, just to get the record straight here are some hard facts.. (1) make sure you have insurance (for firearms) (2) .22 Rimfire is my choice and its almost ALWAYS an elevated shot (forget the .17 unless you want it to be your last job for the client) (3) Almost all of this work is covert, discretion is the order of the day (4) YOU decide whether or not to inform the Police your not obligated to, i've had clients that have insisted we dont because of the publicity and believe me if you get through to the wrong sort its
  9. Probably not..... your not obligated to and i knew someone who never did (and he was bloody good at shooting foxes in town!) a lot of people see them as a right royal pain in the arse and also if you have clients who have only agreed to have the work done if its carried out 'discretely' then you dont want two vans pulling up to check you out because they are bored.
  10. God help us not Jenny Barnet (how do people like that actually get through life)
  11. Rowey 410 makes some good points but dont rule out the rimfire, (the .17 is too loud for this work) i use my SAKO all the time in central London, if you do your homework you can work out an elevated shot or import a decent backstop such as sandbags if you have to. A subsonic round from a high position will drill straight through the target and safely into the earth at these sort of ranges. HTH Martin
  12. I read once that another important point about red filters is that you will retain your 'night vision' which is why the military use it (not in a covert sense obv.)
  13. Interesting read John, by the way i've just shown 'The Boss' your location it looks like we'll be coming out for a shooting trip lol (haven't been back since i left Kilkenny in 69')
  14. Dont compromise on good glass get the very best your budget allows you to
  15. Any decent fixes about mate i dont really want to reformat, cheers
  16. Richochets are completely unpredictable and should be regarded as such... you cant make the assumption that if a round impacts just behind the target that they will carry on in that general direction, this could end up in a fairly complicated ballistics discussion you just need to err on the side of caution when using subsonic ammunition.
  17. Just a reminder (not that you need it i'm sure) i've been out three nights in a row with my Finnfire and the rock hard ground is like shooting off concrete so watch those richochets!
  18. Ah great story... and what i'd love to be doing myself, no more odd glances from 'towny morons' as i get into the jeep in my hunting gear or questions like 'is that a gun'? Give me solitude any day. A nice detached house somewhere with just me, the better half and some dogs
  19. I've settled on the RWS for now they are probably the slowest of the bunch but thats not really a factor what i need is consistancy, good penetration and accuracy and anything made in Germany is usually pretty good.
  20. Monte can i just ask why your selling Martin
  21. Shame your so far away Mal i need some bags to use as a backstop on a fox job i've got Martin
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