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Everything posted by stubble

  1. How you getting on with the Enforcer, much cop?? cheers
  2. I wouldn't worry about that population nearest to you disappearing anytime soon
  3. I've shot a fair few and followed up/dealt with wounded ones either from poor shot placement or ones involved in RTA'S and they are definitely not for the faint hearted. Started a thread in the bushing section as I have not used dogs on them yet but was of the thinking a smaller dog would have a lot more advantages over more traditionally used tracking breeds. As for long dogs I've read in the Aussie pig hunting mags that they use GH x's along with their catch dogs and bayers. but haven't seen any footage of them working. Know that doesn't really relate to your question but thought might be of
  4. Neems - Aye didn't mean that in regards to your links mate just what I've read regarding legislation to shooting them cheers
  5. Haha I don't doubt it - got my ticker going with the rifle to hand wouldn't fancy it being just armed with me gnashers!!
  6. Wales 1234 - Have you been lucky enough to give it a go?? I've watched videos in the states and Aus as well as Germany with the bay pens seems like you say the dog has to be brave but not too hard a bit of sense in the dog could go a long way? I fancy going to have a look at this one day mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MezcPKXOgcE Neems - Thanks for that, good links. As far as I can gather they seem to be classed neither as game nor vermin??
  7. Foxpack - You and me both!! Not sure what the crack would be regarding the law?
  8. Aye just working the cover to move them out or even bringing them to bay for a shot?
  9. Anyone ever used their dogs for moving or following up shot/wounded boar in thickets?
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