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Everything posted by sharpshooter25

  1. Sorry guys, the package from ebay today turns out to be chainsaw oil not the moly grease, gutted. So maybe I should have some chrono results by Saturday and Sunday for the pro-sport
  2. Credit were its due the tbt kits fits well to the spring, polished spring and compression cylinder and trigger and just waiting on the misses to get home the moly grease and it's back together. Sized the piston seal and piston bearings.
  3. Polished spring ends and degreased, these rifles will be back together and over the chrono by Sunday
  4. Nice idea i will look at my result's with the home tune and the TbT kit before looking at short stroke kits.
  5. Cheers I will take a look as I think it will need some attention
  6. May have to take a coil off the springs, the pro sport was the only one with any pre load washers fitted ?
  7. Cheers Davy, just started a new topic with images, take a look
  8. The right compression cylinder is from the pro-sport and is looks like some one at Air arms has spent a extra five mins horning out the inside.
  9. From all the advice given from a pervious topic I what to share this with the people that are interested. Both my air arms stringers seem to have a poor firing cycle, start with chrono results before strip, Pro-sport = 792, 789, 798, 804,803,821,799,799,804,794 TX200 = 824,819,804,798,801,808,802,802,799,802 Air arms pellet 8.4 with a 4.51 head size. Now stripped and found spring end poorly finished, spring guides not bad, inside compression cylinder needs work. I will added more chrono result once relubed and polishing has been done and the Tinbum kit has been fitted to the Tx.
  10. Hi Davy, thanks for the advice. Both rifles are stripped and ready for a relubing but first some polishing is required. Tinbum messages me this morning asking what modal Tx I had mk 1 2 3 etc and the year it was made. Hopefully his kit will do what it says on the tin but for £20 I am not expecting a lot. Will keep you posted guys.
  11. Just ordered a drop in kit from Tinbum from e-bay and should be with me by Thursday. The kit should fit both guns so I will strip relube and fit and let you no my results with chrono results and pics
  12. Cheers guy for the comments, will open them up later and add pictures and hopefully I will find lots of factory grease and a poor fitting spring guide
  13. Thanks for the advice i will open them up later and have a look. Are the kits any good ? Was thinking of buying a couple of v mach kits from Blackpool airguns or getting a couple of willy welsh kits on order.
  14. There both twang ! Maybe it's me I not sure maybe been using pcp for to long but I am sure my old tx didn't sound like these two. Gonna strip them and relube and go from there i think.
  15. Having the same problem with my pro sport and TX200, there are both "Bedded in" and both still twang. i think Air Arms standards are slipping, I have owned TX200 HC before around three years ago and I don't remember it been that nosiey
  16. Surprised myself when I got home and pulled the trigger in the garden. I will be honest Rez get them last night both secondhand from a guy who has owned from new and checked with Air Arms this morning serial numbers come back July 2013. No signs of tamper, a year old or not a springer pushing £500 shouldn't twang
  17. Just got myself a lovely pro sport and a TX200 both .177. I have owned a TX200HC before around three years ago but I don't remember it been so nosiey on it's firing stroke, it does twang. Have Air Arms let the standards slip ?
  18. PM replied. Looking at tuning one myself mate
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