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Everything posted by tyson

  1. thanks sky cat yes i have portamag and a ultrasound machine not sure if its been a tear or strain , but shes been carrying this injury for a few weeks now, had several people look at her and only one person picked up on it , one bloke even diagnosed a hairline fracture in the hock ? how he came up with that one , i have no idea
  2. Just had my wee bitch checked over today and shes got a damaged TFL muscle on her rear right leg at the top just below groin level any advice welcome cheers
  3. use bowers dog , toby , decent dog and can be saw on that dvd , cant remember the name of it ???
  4. wolfs sire and dam are , casper x ruthie (hippys bitch) wolf has a well known sister too , jamie wilsons Hazel , who also owns jamies jack different breeding but very good hare dog wolfs got a very powerful build for his breeding , doesnt look bad for nearly 7 does he
  6. master magrath , or fullerton prolly the best 2 coursing greyhounds , at least they caught the feckers , todays dogs struggle as they to big n heavy
  7. to be honest and not being biased , its gonna be hard to pick one , im just glad ive narrowed it down to wanting a dog, but the bitches are to die for
  8. tyson


    i really hope hatton wins , but....mayweather is gonna beat the crap out of poor little ricky
  9. yeah , had the dew claws taken off , stupid things what they are no i aint decided which pup im keepin , but im gonna keep a dog pup , hopefully one will throw feathered , but we will see , the bitch in the first pic is a little twat already she growls when you go near he and she bullies the other pups growling and shoving them
  11. just so everyone whos wondering , the pups arent for sale , ive given them to mates who i know will give 100% effort into the pups
  12. the dog pups aged 16 days [imghttp://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z69/frankiemorley/P1010015.jpg[/img]
  13. heres pics of the bitches aged 16 days
  14. they doin great , all nice strong pups they 2 weeks old today , eyes opened a couple of days ago and they starting to run around ...in a fashion , they like lil dodgem cars
  15. haha , evryone wants a fokkin bitch
  16. actually yes she has , she stopped bleeding around 6/7 weeks ago
  17. why do bitches stash food , first time ive noticed it , she just picks at her food a bit then starts stashing it in the kennel is she just a fussy twat ?
  18. wrap the rope around your hand and lower forearm this way the pressure is spread out and just hold the other end tight in your hand against the bit thats wrapperd around your hand
  19. Advertising for a mate he has 2 lovley coursing bred pups , 10 weeks old , the sire is a foxy charlie bred dog and the mother is a caulfields joe x suzie bred bitch there is 1 dog and 1 bitch , both are white , no color markings , very nice strong pups for sale due to personal reasons , he paid £500 each for pups and is willing to let go for £400 each so if any of you want a well bred pup , then these are as best bred pups available bred about at the moment PM me for a contact number cheers
  20. shes asround 4/6 weeks out of season its her first so maybe it is due to that
  21. why do dogs eat grass a lot ?
  22. thanks Matti oscars doin great , hes ready for some drop rabbits , you would never know he had fell over let alone be run over by a 2 ton pickup he never stops running and seems to have a bit of pace for his age , so fingers crossed he be a good un il fetch him through next week n you can have a look at him at gaz's
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