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Everything posted by Shirleyval

  1. Fuji. Yes I did ask you about how long a bitch is in season. As I don't breed dogs like you do from any shit. Hares Kat has taken big numbers seen by many. So no need to get all big headed but beleave me I was taking hares a lot of years ago well before you Andy. My age yes iam 46 so what I got on with my life just didn't want to through kids out to get state benefit. When have you done a days work from leaving school. Don't bother answering Andy we know you never worked. Now dogs I had em longer then most don't listen to a few idiots on here I don't care whAt people think. I know who and who
  2. Fly. But have to fish 200 metres from any river mouth. Trying spinner tonight. Should get some good fish
  3. 2 k is to much for me For one of the pups i would have to sell my car. But then some cording pups sell for that and haven't caught 1/10 th of what the parents of these have.
  4. Hey was a good topic till the macho male got his fingers on the keyboard. Well 2 decent dogs well bred should make top class pups. Anyone got his contact number as I would like to buy one. Lol
  5. How old are the 2 dogs in question and size. Heard a lot about both of them Jim is he from derby. And has a young dog now doing well. Kat did she run the fens and win a top dog.
  6. Is that video for real. God them lads want shooting there idiots and anyone who drives wants there dogs taken Away
  7. Your choice mate.no one knows her like you what dog have you replaced it with and what x was the old dog.
  8. My saluki x does it all the time. And he has no collie in him
  9. Shirleyval


    No snow yet here but not expecting it its 29 degrees lol
  10. That's a nice pup. What's the breeding of the dogs it comes from and what size will you expect it to make please
  11. There is some genuine hard workers out there. There not ALL criminals
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