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About reilly1

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Few boys I go out with work beddys absolute machines on the rats! Not the best pic, small bitch is a full beddys and the other beddy X, my dog was the whippet loved a bit of ratting
  2. Blaze now I know how to get the photos up have to sort some tidy pics out
  3. Just measured My pup out of the litter 21.5 tts as soon as I sort out some pics I'll get them up.
  4. I got 1 of Socks' pups absolute belter retrieving recall and jumping well. Roughly same stamp as Ace the blue pup in the video. What's the easiest way to put photos n videos off your iphone
  5. I got 1 of Socks' pups absolute belter retrieving recall and jumping well. Roughly same stamp as Ace the blue pup in the video. What's the easiest way to put photos n videos off your iphone
  6. I have a dog pup from the same litter 'Blaze' he's a belter! Just turned 12 weeks 18" tts just under 12kg. Quick learner! Can't wait to see how he turns out!
  7. Will any lamp plug into a Clulite Battery pack?
  8. Sharpe looking dog mate! How's he bread?
  9. Jesus that dogs in good shape fair play! How's he bred
  10. Great shape looks a right handful how's he bread?
  11. Does Nell work the lamp or is she just an excellent day dog
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